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When I got back to my room, I flopped down on the bed and let out a huge sigh.

An irritated feeling surged through my whole body.
If they all missed Keith, which I knew they did, then why wouldn't they stay up to greet him when he got back?
He'd been gone for so long..

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. There was no use getting worked up for no reason.
Keith was still coming home after all.

An unknown amount of time had passed as I stared up at the ceiling, unfeeling and bored.

I kept thinking about everyone gathered in the darkened lounge and all yelling, "SURPRISE!!" as Keith walked in the door.
I imaged the shocked and embarrassed look on his face and couldn't help but smile.
It was frustrating knowing nobody else wanted to see that.

But Shiro's words were especially hurtful.

"Why would you of all people want to do something nice for Keith?"

His voice echoed in my head, leaving me feeling nauseous.

What did he really know about me?
And even if Shiro knew Keith a lot longer than me, it doesn't necessarily mean he knew him better..
Keith acts tough but deep down..he has a soft spot.

I sat straight up on my bed and looked around my room.

I thought to myself.

If nobody else was going to stay up with me tonight, I'd just do everything myself!


I jumped to my feet and started to rummage though my desk for something to write and paint with.

I had bought some art supplies the last time we stopped at the space mall for times when we had no missions and nothing to do.
I used to paint and draw back on earth in school. I wasn't really all that good at it but it was always something I enjoyed.


I tore off two large white sheets of paper from a sketchbook and placed them on the floor side by side, taping them together.

I grabbed my paints and brushes and stared at the paper in front of me and started to work.

 When it was finished, I took a step back to admire my banner

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When it was finished, I took a step back to admire my banner.
It wasn't the greatest but it got the point across. I just hoped he wouldn't read it "we you missed Keith"...

I got up to let the banner dry and went to look for more decorations.


I rummaged through the castles storage closets in hopes of finding anything that I could use to decorate.
After about the 4th dusty closet, I found a box labeled "party" and knew that was where the treasure was...

I dusted off the box and opened it up.
Inside were rolls of coloured streamers and Altean balloons.
The difference between regular "Earth" balloons and "Altean balloons" was that Altean balloons blew themselves up and floated without the need of helium, and they could glow and change colours like a night light.
I grabbed a handful of balloons and red and blue streamers and took them to the lounge room.
I couldn't reach the ceilings so I twisted and taped the streamers to the walls. I then turned the balloons to the red setting and sent them floating around the room.

I blew up about 10 balloons and made sure the streamers were perfect and secure. I strung them from corner to corner in a criss cross pattern.
I don't think I'd ever put this much effort into anything, ever.

And it didn't take long before I tired myself out...
Party planning was hard work.

Long Time No See (Klance) Where stories live. Discover now