Something's Missing

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Keith originally said he'd be home around 20 ticks past 3.

It was now 30 ticks past 4.

I wondered where he could be.. I doubt he'd be lost as he was the best navigator of any of us.
And our co-ordinates were triple checked..

Maybe another mission came up?Maybe he forgot?
There really was no reason to worry. If Keith were in any type of danger that he couldn't handle by himself, Red would be out of the hangar faster than you could say "mullet".

I flopped down onto the couch and admired my decorations.
I'd say I did pretty good considering I didn't really have a whole lot to work with. Let alone ANY help whatsoever.
However, I still felt as though something was missing.
What was something essential at all parties?
Gifts? I guess so. But there wasn't anything I could really give him that he'd actually want. And it's not like this castle had a gift shop or anything...
I chucked at the thought.
Little voltron keychains, magnets with names on them, lion action figures, bayard shapes snacks.
I was missing snacks!!!!

I stood up so quick I almost lost my balance.
However, my excitement was killed off as quickly as it started.

We had no snacks... all we had was green goo and Hunk's glass "cookies"..
And I was no chef...

If I were to make a cake it would have to be for show only. There would be no way he'd want to eat that when he probably ate like a king with the Blades. What did the Galra even eat?

I got up off the couch and made my way into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and found tubs upon tubs of green goo. And In the bottom drawer were the "cookie" disks.

If I made it a layered cake, I could use food colouring and colour the goo for the colours of the lions!
Enthusiastic about my brilliant idea, i plopped the goo into five separate bowls and added a different colour to each.
All except for green.

I made a bottom layer of the "cookie" disk and smeared yellow on the bottom, added another disk layer, then the blue goo, disk, green, disk, red, disk, and then finally a small blob of black, which was more like a weird brown, that I attempted to shape into a sphere to make it a little more presentable.
The fact it was even able to be molded was a little concerning..

I stepped back and admired my creation.
It wasn't...great. But it could've been way worse I guess.
Plus i don't think Keith could do any better. Unless baking and cake decorating was among his many talents...

As carefully as I could, I carried my monstrosity to the lounge and set it on the table. I grabbed two plates and forks from the kitchen and set them next to it. Just to make it look a little more real, even if it wasn't going to be eaten...

I flopped back down onto the couch, satisfied with my work.
I hoped he'd like it. Even if Keith didn't like the attention he was sure to appreciate my hard work...right?
But I guess if he didn't like it and my work was all done in vain, I was still happy to have him home..

I sat in the silence for a while, drumming my fingers on the top of the couch.
He really was a lot later than he initially said.
It annoyed me.
Not because he was late, but because the others were right. I hated being wrong. And I was getting sleepy.
I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. They were so heavy. I didn't want to miss Keith when he came in. I wanted to be the first one to greet him and surprise him. I hope he didn't take much longer. I was going to fall asleep.
I wasn't used to all the hard work..

Maybe if I just rested my eyes I'd still be able to hear him when he came in...
Then I'd still be able to tell hi—

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