A Good Talk

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I decided to take a break from decorating and go for a walk.
I wandered the empty hallways for a while.
The castle was quiet.
Everyone was probably either asleep or doing their own things in their rooms.
That was like most nights. The excitement of being deep in space and literal defenders of the universe died off when we had no defending to do. We were actually bored most of the time.
I walked around the castle a lot when I wasn't holed up in my room playing video games.
Pidge and Hunk were usually together working on their boring sciencey stuff, and Allura, Coran, and Shiro worked on their super serious coalition matters.
Which left just me...

I decided not to let my thoughts get the better of me and ended up in Red's hangar.

I liked to come here when I felt like I had no one to talk to.
Which...felt like more often than not..

"Hey Red. Can we talk?"
I stood beneath Red's giant body, straining my neck to look up at her.

Red opened her door for me and I walked inside.

Red had become familiar and comforting, even if she were a little temperamental.
Blue was easier to get along with; however she was no longer mine.
She wouldn't even open up to let me inside.
It made me sad.

She was the first lion we found and she was mine from the very start. It's hard not to get attached when something so strange brings you together...

But she was Allura's now, and I accepted that. She'd truly earned her place with Blue. I was proud of her.


I sat down in Red's pilot chair and pulled my feet up to my chest.

"Hey girl. I gotta blow off some steam....and you're the only one who seems to listen to me.. as sad as that is.."
I leaned back in the chair and looked up at her ceiling.

"So Keith's coming back tonight huh?
I'm sure you already knew that though.
..You probably know him
better than anyone, Red..."

I rested my chin on my knees.

"Y'know..he's so serious all the time. There's only been like....a handful of times I've been able to get him to come out of his shell a little and actually just be a kid.. but..well, I know you know how it is, Red.
He's needs to loosen up a little.

Hopefully now with his marmora missions on the back of his mind and that fact he found his mom...he might be able to relax."
I sighed deeply.
Thinking about the days when we fought more than we worked together always made me feel weird.
From the very start I was always competing with him.

Shiro had been my literal hero for a long time. He was so cool, and smart, and accomplished. I wanted to be just like him. But finding out that mullet was close with him annoyed me to no end.
Keith Kogane.
The prodigy.
He had phenomenal skills and knowledge and it was like he didn't even care. I struggled and worked my butt off and only ever got to be where I was because he was kicked out.
It stung to think about.

However, I knew, and accepted that if the universe hadn't set it up to be that way, then I REALLY wouldn't be here...

But I look back on my past jealousy and feuding and it makes me want to kick myself.

"If I hadn't been so worried about looking cool and impressing people, maybe we could've become close a lot sooner.."

It was quiet for a moment. Only the quiet hum of the bay lights.

"Hey Red? I knew about our 'bonding moment'." I said, making air quotations with my fingers.
"I don't really know why I denied it. Maybe I was still holding onto that past competitiveness from the Garrison. He was the one who helped me when I was hurt.
I guess I didn't want to look like the weaker paladin."

But he didn't have to help me. Shiro was injured too. But Keith came to my side. He held my hand and supported me.
Whether it was due to the fact I was injured or not, I felt something that night....and maybe I was too afraid to admit it.

"I feel like after that night I started to see him differently.
He was only ever a goal for me to beat. I only saw him as someone to one up. But, he became someone I looked up to, especially when Shiro disappeared and he had to pilot Black.

He shared his insecurities and fears with me and it made me realize he was a person too. A kid. Like any of us. And I think that's when my feelings changed."

I stared down at my hands. I'd never said anything like this out loud before. It was hard for me to admit and even come to terms with.
What was it about Keith that got me so worked up?

"Did you miss him when he left, Red?" I asked after sitting in silence for a minute.

"I know I did. I'd never admit this to him or anyone but I didn't want him to leave. I know I only told him that I wouldn't have anyone to make fun of anymore but..I felt like I had more to say. It was like i wanted to get closer to him. And he just ran away.."I trailed off. 

"You think he misses me- I mean...us." I stammered.
I saw the faintest flicker of the lights bounce around the cabin.

I couldn't help but feel a little stupid talking to a massive mecha lion who didn't reply back; but it always made me feel better if I had something on my mind. There was no doubt that we shared a special bond with our lions and I was able to bond with both Blue AND Red. So there had to be something deep inside their cores that was linked to mine.

"I feel as though I have a link to Keith through you, Red.
Why did you choose me and not Allura? Alfor was your original pilot. Wouldn't it have made more sense to have his daughter pilot you instead?"

This had always confused me. Why was it me she chose? Allura could have piloted Red with no problem. And instead of having us both somewhere unfamiliar, it could've been only Allura who had to get used to and bond with a lion.

Unless of course it had something to do with Keith? 
But that was impossible...
Wasn't it?
However, I guess nothing was impossible out here.
Just the mere fact of the existence of life outside of earth used to be impossible.
So I really shouldn't be so surprised.
It couldn't be just a coincidence that Red chose me after all that Keith and I had been through together. It
really seemed as though our lives had been intertwined since the moment we were born.

Being born in the same timeline, going to the garrison, Keith being kicked out only for me to take his place, Keith knowing about the existence of the lions and me being the one able to pilot blue, Keith piloting Red and then me stepping up in his place again, Keith having a sword for a bayard, me activating a sword with his old bayard and Allura being astounded to have seen it again after 10,000 years.

It was a lot when you really sat and thought about it.

Maybe there was something that the lions knew that we didn't...

The blood suddenly drained from my face.
"Wait...if Keith was coming back, then who's going to pilot you Red? Would you...reject me in order for your original paladin to return?"
I said solemnly.

There's no way Blue would reject Allura in favour of me? She had unlocked secrets from Blue that even I would never have done. It was like back when Shiro was missing all over again.

Except Keith wasn't going anywhere this time.
And I guess I'm happy to give up being a Paladin just for Keith to be back with the team..
As much as it would hurt. I could bare it.

"Thanks for listening to me talk, Red. Even if you don't reply, I know you're listening. It's easy to spill my heart out to you. You don't judge me."
I gave Red a pat before getting up and going back out to the lounge.

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