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JacklynnPerice Someone got drunk tonight, and those someone's will be feeling it tommrow

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JacklynnPerice Someone got drunk tonight, and those someone's will be feeling it tommrow. imsebastainstan Chrisevans

User1 Awww look at him even drunk he's still cute.

imsebastainstan heeyyy I'll be fine tommrow ok leave me alone!!!!

Chrisevans What he said ^^^

JacklynnPerice I love you both but we'll see and when I'm right I will say I told you not to drink so much and then I'll probably be taking you both home. Chrisevans imsebastainstan

User3 Jackie is so sweet I love her so much!!

JacklynnPerice Aww thank you sm User3

elizabetholsenoffical She's so sweet love you girl!! Are they both drunk?

anthonymackie Oh he is full drunk. Idk about Chris but I've seen Sebastian drunk and that is it. elizabetholsenoffical

JacklynnPerice yes they are both vv drunk it's so funny though. elizabetholsenoffical

TomHolland What's it's like to be drunk?

imsebastainstan Oh let me tell you kid it is great!!!! TomHolland

JacklynnPerice NO my child do not listen to him he does not know what he is saying, never get drunk!!!!!!!! TomHolland

robertdowneyjr I'm not sure what you're talking about Jackie have you ever been drunk it's great I mean sure the after math sucks but it's great then. JacklynnPerice

JacklynnPerice No it is not great don't listen to them Tom. TomHolland robertdowneyjr

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