Private Message 13

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GC with: Chris, Lizzie, Sebastian

Lizzie: We need to talk.

Sebastian: About Jackie?

Chris: You are a lot quicker then she was.

Sebastian: Well I knew you come talk to me about it sooner or later.

Lizzie: How do you feel about her.

Sebastian: I mean I'm in love with the girl, how could I not be she's amazing in every way. But I'm just a friend to her so that's the I'm gonna keep it, I'd rather be friends then lose her completely.

Chris: Wow, Seb, you really love her.

Sebastian: Yeah.

Lizzie: She really like you too.

Sebastian: I don't know about that.

Lizzie: We were just talking to her. She told us everything.

Chris: She's really into you, Seb. Now go and get your girl.

Sebastian: Hang on, are you sure.

Lizzie: Yes.

Chris: Sebastian, I'm telling you now and being 100% honest with you she told me and in her words "I can't lose him, he means way to much to me" she is so in love with you. You both just mean so much to each other that you dont want to say anything in fear you'll lose each other. But I'm assuring you now that if you do tell her you won't lose each other you'll gain a love that will never end.

Lizzie: Wow Chris that was deep.

Sebastian: Thank you so much Chris you too Liz. I'm going over to her place now. I have to tell her.

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