Chris was coming over at 6 so I had to prepare myself for that. I was ready to tell him but I really kinda wasn't. I didn't know how he would take it. That's when my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
I walked over to the door and opened it.
"Hi" I said.
"Hey" I looked down at me and I could a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"You okay?"
"I should be asking you the same thing. You know you don't have to-"
I cut I'm off because if he said it I might not tell him and I really think that he needed to know.
"I know, but I think it, its time I've known you for what 6 years and I've been holding this in and I don't want to anymore."
"Okay, okay tell whatever it'll stay with me."
He tells me as he pulls me in for a tight hug. He was always there for me when I needed him. I loved him for that and so many other reasons. So I lead him to the couch and we stared talking.
"So, umm, I guess I didn't think about this, I don't really know where to start."
"Start where ever, where ever you feel comfortable."
"Okay, umm, so.... my parents aren't on good terms, umm Brad he knows everything, he was old enough to kinda grasp everything."
He nodded for me to keep talking.
"When he said not to rush into things with Sebastian, he was talking about me parents. They were... 18 when they got married so you know they were young. And Phil umm my father, he was a drunk and wasn't there for my mom when they started having kids and he was.... he was abusive."
I could feel myself get tense and I know he could because he placed a caring have on my knee.
"You don't have to keep going."
"I know, but I'm going to."
"Brad was trying to tell me to rush into things because that's what my mom and Phil did. And as time went on and he got older he started to see what Phil was doing and then as I got older I saw it too. I mean don't get me wrong he never - Well he didn't usually turn on us but he didn't really hidden what he was doing to me mom. So then after Clayton was born she didn't want him to see that like we had and she filed a divorce and it took him a year to sign it. That was - that was one of the hardest years of my life."
"Did he gain custody of any of you guys."
"No, no he didn't but he clean himself up once we left him and married another woman who already had six kids. And then he had to kids with her so there's a lot of them there and there's of us the man that my mom married had 4 kids. So there 17 kids there a lot."
"Are you close with Phil's kids?"
"Yes and no, some of them yeah I mean could give you names you don't know any of them. The two he had with his new wife yes I'm very close with them and some of the other six but there's a few of them that want nothing to do with us."
"Interesting, I would love to meet them all."
"They would love to meet you and Seb some of them were just telling me today that they wanted to meet you both."
He nodded and then got very serious.
"You okay."
I took and deep breath and then let it out before letting it out and answering him.
"Yeah, I just - I'm not very found of him and he keeps trying to reconnect with I think mostly me and the other too but I don't know if I want to let him back in. And it's kinda hard talking about back then it was a hard time."
"Yeah, no I get it, and I know I keep saying this but you didn't have to tell me but I'm happy I know and can do whatever you from me, I'm always here for you i think you know that though."
"Of course I do thank you Chris."
"Yeah, no problem."
"I'm just worried about telling Seb I don't know how he's going to take it."
"Jacklynn, he loves you more then anything trust me. He's going to take it fine. He's not going to freak out or anything. Have you seen him when someone says something bad about you on Instagram or something else, he freaks. I think he's going to be with you for so long if can help it."
"Thank you Chris."
"No problem,So what do you want to do, something fun."
"I don't know, you have anything in mind."
"Umm we could go get some drinks."
"I don't drink remember?"
"Ohhh that's right, I'm sorry. We could go get some food?"

Sometime You Just Never Know
RomanceSome time you never know what I friendship will lead to but for us we were pleasantly surprised. Social media (mostly)