Chapter 3

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True to his word Embry came back at the same time again the next day. He approached the cove cautiously and called out Ursula's name.

"Ursula! Are you in here? It's Embry, I told you I'd be coming back again?" A large splash came out of nowhere and drenched Embry head to toe. "URSULA NO! That is not how we greet people here. Seriously!" A loud giggle came from the side of him where the splash mainly came from. Embry looked over to see his imprint with her head and most of her upper body out of the water. This was the first time he had gotten a decent look at her aside from the night before when he was still in shock from meeting his imprint

He took a good look at the girl-no the woman in front of him. She had pale skin with a purplish blue undertone to it, probably to blend in with the water, he thought to himself. She had a small round face with large eyes that glowed green in the darkness of the cave with defined cheekbones and round lips. Along her cheekbones and forehead were faint outlines of what looked like scales. Her hair was black and looked oil slick with reflections of purples and greens and blues when the light hit it right, and oh wow her hairs long. Embry's face burned red as he stared at the length of her hair and landed on her chest.

"Guess what they say about mermaids wearing seashells is wrong huh?" Ursula cocked her head at Embry confused.

"Why would I wear seashells?"

"Uh well. To cover up your uhhm. Your ya know?" Embry motioned to his own chest in hopes she would get what he was saying. She just looked even more confused.

"You don't cover your chest, why should I cover mine?" 

Embry didn't know how to respond to that right away and realized they didn't really need clothes in the ocean. He realized that Ursula's speech sounded more put together despite the slow way she talked.

"Ursula, yesterday you could barely respond to me in full sentences. What happened?" Embry questioned Ursula who stared at him and then into the water for a couple moments. She seemed to be putting together a sentence or a response in her head. She finally looked up at him and responded,

"Ursula likes the boats and the men on the boats talk really loud and there were people on beach after Aim-Bree leave. So Ursula watch and listen" As she said the last part she motioned to her eyes and ears. Embry nodded his head and realized that she was a very quick learner. Ursula started splashing water at Embry again to get his attention back from whatever he was thinking about. When he asked why she kept splashing him she just smacked the water with her tail and said come.

"You want me to get in the water with you? I don't even know how deep it is!" Apparently he said the wrong thing because her eyes turned pitch black and the faint lines of scales on her face turned into reflective full blown scales and she started shrieking in a foreign language.

"Ao mittys! Kesā pyghagon hen iā cliff naejot aōha potential morghon yn kesā daor māzigon isse se iēdar lēda nyke skoriot iksā ȳgha????" Her hair started to float up and more scales started to appear on her body.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'll get in! I'll get in! Just calm down okay? I didn't mean to upset you, Ursula. I just wasn't sure if it was a good idea." He quickly discarded his shorts and was left in his boxers as he dived in. When he came back up Ursula was back to normal again and looked embarrassed of herself.

"Aim-Bree, Ursula is sorry for getting angry. She just doesn't understand why you throw yourself off a cliff but were scared to come in the water with her." She paused for a minute and looked around before speaking again, "I don't want you to be scared of where I am from." It was one of the clearest sentences she had ever spoken to him and he started to understand why she was so upset.

"It's alright Ursula," he said swimming towards her, "I cliff dive because it's fun to me and I know how deep that water is." He continued, and winked at her, "besides, now I have my own little protector in the water to keep me safe right?" She looked at her imprint with the biggest smile possible and nodded enthusiastically. They continued to swim and talk for several more hours before Embry had to get home and study but made a promise to come back and see her more.

AN: Uhhhh. Heyyyyyyyyy. Guess who's back? I honestly have no legit reason for not updating aside from college kicking my ass. Also just a clarification on some stuff, I've gotten super into the show Siren and am currently picturing Ursula as the girl who plays Ryn on the show, Eline Powell. When Ursula started shouting in a foreign language that was "atlantian", 10 points to whatever house you're in if you can figure out what fictional language it actually is! We'll see more of Ursula's "dark" side as I call it later on in the book. Don't worry the pack will meet her soon, before Bella and Jake are introduced! This is the closest I could find to what I picture her to look like currently.

 Don't worry the pack will meet her soon, before Bella and Jake are introduced! This is the closest I could find to what I picture her to look like currently

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