Chapter 18

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"Okay, so Seth and Quil phased?"


"And Bella ran off to Italy to save her leech from killing himself?"

"Jakes depressed?"


"Leahs moody?"

"More than you can imagine"

"Quil's confused?"

"More than usual, yea"

"Jesus I missed a lot didn't I?"

Ursula had been awake for a few days now and Embry finally sat down with her to update her on everything that had happened while she was unconsious. She sighed and rolled over in Embry's bed and put an arm over her eyes,

"I can't believe I missed Harry's funeral...." Embry pulled her closer to him and wrapped an arm around her waist and put his head on her chest,

"You were chasing the leech trying to avenge him and make things right babe, you couldn't help it." His face contorted into an angry stare at the scar on her stomach from one of the bitemarks Victoria left, "He would have understood." She ran his fingers through his hair and sighed again,

"I should have been there for you Bree" Embry rolled off his bed and onto the floor and jumped up quickly,

"All right thats it, get your cute little mermaid butt up. We're going on a date. Put your clothes on and lets go!" Ursula let out a groan,

"I love you but I hate clooothes. " Ursula made it a habbit to wear little to no clothes when she was with Embry, due to the fact that he had already seen all of her before and she despised wearing them. The first time Embry snuck back into his mom's house after a patrol and found Ursula sleeping naked in his bed he had almost fallen out of the window in shock.

"Well that sucks becuase we're going on an actual date dammit!" Embry started rummaging through all of Ursula's clothes before finding a purple sundress, "Here put this on that way you don't have to wear a bra-

"I'm gonna burn Victoria's Secret to the ground"

"Plus it's pretty long so it'll be comfy too." He finished his sentence with a smile ignoring Ursula's outburst knowing that it would lead to a whole rant he was not in the mood to listen to again. Walking out the door he turned around called out, "I'll be waiting downstairs for you okay?" Ursula just hummed in response before shimming out of the large hoodie she had on.

Shaking his head with a grin on his face Embry hopped down the stairs to the living room. Paul and Jake were playing video games on the couch and Jake was currently beating Pauls ass.



Jake just sat on the couch and continued to laugh as he came into first place on Mario Kart. The game ended and Jake turned around, "How's she doing?" Embry nodded and grinned,

"She's doing good! She's getting ready to come down and we're gonna go for a date. I'm thinking somewhere in Port Angeles?" Little footsteps came down the stairs and Embry turned around and saw Ursula coming down in her purple dress. it came just below her knee's with thick straps and a pair of silver sandles. As usual her long hair was down and she wore no makeup.

"Where are we going, Bree?" She asked with a smile on her face, the first one she had had in days in all honesty.

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