Once Is Enough... Or So It Would Seem

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January 8, 1975

I woke up with a chill set deep into my bones, and a dull ache everywhere on my body. 
It's been three days since I went missing and I was beginning to think that nobody was even bothering to look for me. Those assholes…

Just as I stretched and tried to sit up as best as I could, the door opened and Scott walked in holding a tray of some food. Grinning, he sat down by my feet and placed the tray in front of me before reaching over and undoing the shackles on my wrists and feet, allowing me to get up and stretch my legs before I ate breakfast… Really, it wasn't breakfast though… It was worse than Steven's cooking, actually. It was a glob of something that I think was supposed to be eggs, but was burnt beyond all recognition. 

"Eat up, baby… You're going to need your energy for today…" He chuckled darkly, winking. I had to try hold back fron throwing up right then and there, I was so disgusted… In everything. 

I was disgusted with the fact that I hadn't showered in two days. I was disgusted in the fact that I was practically this douchebags little play thing, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was disgusted in the fact that I've spent every waking moment for the past few days, trying to think of an escape plan, and everything I've come up with would've failed in one way or another. 

I've even resorted to try to gnaw my own foot off so I could get free, which didn't really help much since I stopped the second I realized how fucking stupid of an idea that is…

Just as I finished gulping down the glass of murky water that Scott gave me with 'breakfast' the doorbell rang, giving me an idea… It wasn't much of a plan, but it was definitely worth a shot…

"If you make one sound… I'll kill you, and that's a promise." Scott growled as he quickly chained my ankles back up before going up the stairs to answer the door.

To my luck, he didn't clasp the chain all the way, so I was easily able to slip out of my restraints and tip-toe towards the door. I looked back at the tray resting on the bed and grabbed the metal fork, hoping to have some sort of weapon if I needed to protect myself. 

Pressing my ear up against the door, I listened intently to see who it was. I really had to strain my ears to hear correctly, but when I heard 'police' and 'search for missing girl' in the same sentence, I screeched at the stop of my lungs. 

"Help! Fucking help me! I'm up here!" I screamed and cried, hoping that someone would come to my rescue. I tried jiggling the door handle, only to realize it was locked, making me scream and cry louder.

I heard footsteps running up towards the door, making me step back and hold my weapon - a fucking fork - at the ready so I could stab someone if I needed to… which I did. The second the door was unlocked and flung open, Scott's glowing green eyes were burning with fury. 

He charged me, only for me to move out of the way in time so he crashed into the bedpost behind me. As he turned around again, I managed to sink the metal teeth of the fork into his thigh, buying me some time to run out of the room and 

The little house I was in was dirty and cramped and was absolutely no place anyone would chose to live in. I looked around, hoping to find the cops that were just here, only to find no one. I took my last amount of strength, obviously powered by adrenaline, and sprinted out the front door only to find the cops that were just here, slowly getting back into their car. 

I screamed after them, obviously catching their attention as I cried and yelled and ran towards them. 

"Help me! Please just fucking get me away from here! Please!" I cried, running into one of the cops and wrapping my arms around him, grateful to see someone, anyone, other than Scott. 

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