Chapter 1 Meet Moonlight

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Hello everyone

Before you began. I hope you like this story. I had this story in my drafts for some time now. I just didn't know when to publish it.

Well hopefully you like it as much as I liked it.


Optimus Prime

Before time began, there was the cube. We know not where it comes from. only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death and the cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it, and rebuild our home. Searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seems lost, a message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.

But we were already too late.

Moonlight POV

Hello, Everyone out there that is reading this. The name is Moonlight and this story your about to read will tell you my life story.

I'm currently sitting in a classroom with a bunch of idiots. Let's just say that I'm not human but an alien robot called Cybertronian.

Right now I'm on my hologram which helps me blend in with the organics that live on this planet of dirt called Earth. This planet was the place where my escape pod land after I escape the great war that's happening on my home planet Cybertron.

This war was made by one of my older brother name Megatronus who changed his name to Megatron. He started this war for power which destroys our home planet Cybertron. My other older brother name Orion Pax that goes now by the name Optimus Prime is the one whose fighting Megatron to stop this horrible war.

Even after all that Megatron has done I can never be capable of hating him. I love him as much as I love Optimus. But now they change they are not the brothers that I once knew. They were no longer Orion and Megatronus.

As the war continued I was a neutral. Never choose a side to join and never will. They both asked me to join their side but I refuse and escape our home planet where I land here on Earth far away from the war and far away from the two I called brother.

Since I land on Earth I live alone on the streets but after some time I bought this house next to my best human family friend the Witwicky's.

I use a fake name thinking that my Cybertronian name will be weird for humans to hear so I choose the name Zoe and the last name Guzman for myself. My hologram has black hair with ocean bright blue eyes. My hair also has white highlights.

 My hair also has white highlights

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