Chapter 3 Barricade

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Moonlight POV

I was waiting outside until I saw Sam get home. He park his car then went inside to sleep. I walk over to Bumblebee who quickly open the door for me. I got inside the driver seat and close the door.

": So you decided to come?:" he asked.

"Yeah, I have some question to ask you and it I don't get an answer quick I'm about to go crazy" I said.

"So are you ready to leave?" I asked.

": Yeah Let's wait a little bit more:" Bumblebee replied.

I nod then waited for at least 10 minutes then Bumblebee turn on his engine. The sound of the engine turning on must've woken Sam up because as we were pulling out of the driveway Sam started chasing us on his Mom bike.

"Seems that Sam woke up and now is following us" I said.

": Yeah I figure he will hear when my alt-mode engine turns on:" Bumblebee replied.

Sam followed Bumblebee and I to some junkyard but he got stuck behind a train. Bumblebee finally came to a stop on the top of a hill and open his door for me. I got out and he starts to transform.

"Wow. Good looking Bee" I compliment making him look away shy and blush.

Bumblebee then lowers his servo down for me to get on. I step into his servo and he lifts me carefully to his shoulder. I sat on his shoulder he turns on a light that comes from his chest and points it up towards the sky calling for the other Autobots.

"Bee tell me how many Autobots will be coming to Earth?" I asked.

": We are a total of 5 Autobots right now. Cybertron has been destroyed completely so we had to abandon it. Everyone parted between the whole galaxy going in different directions once we lost Cybertron looking for the All-spark:" Bumblebee explained.

"Wait, the All-spark? You are telling me that the All-spark is here on Earth?" I asked.

": Yes:" Bumblebee replied.

"So if you are here. That means that Decepticons are also here, right?" I asked.

": Corrected:" Bumblebee replied.

"Oh, my Primus this can be. I left Cybertron for a reason now I'm living the same hell as when I was back on Cybertron" I mumble under my breath.

": What was that?:" Bumblebee asked once he had finished sending the message.

"Nothing. Tell me is the leader of the Autobots one of the bots coming here to Earth and what happened to the leader of the Decepticons?" I asked.

": To answer your first question yes. Optimus Prime is one of the bots coming here and for Megatron will he had crash on Earth a long time ago and been on stasis all this time:" Bumblebee replied making my eyes wide.

'I knew it. I knew that destiny hates me so much. Now what? I can just run away again like I did last time. There no spaceship or escape pop to do so here' I thought.

": Zoe are you okay?:" Bumblebee asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay but need time to process all that you just told me that's all. Come on let's go home already" I said.

He nod then brought his servo back up. I climbed on it and he lower me down to the ground. He transforms back into his alt-mode then opens his driver door for me. I get in. We then drove down the hill and I heard dogs barking.

"Oh Sam" I said while rolling eyes.

": Hey Zoe wanna scared him?:" Bumblebee asked. I look at the radio and smirk.

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