Chapter 7 Mission City

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Moonlight POV

Optimus and I drove at full speed toward Mission City.

":: Moon please promise me that you be careful::" Optimus said.

":: Not the best time to talk Optimus::" I said as I saw the City up ahead.

"::Moon::" Optimus said.

":: I can promise nothing but I could tell you this. I won't die::" I said then drove faster and left his side knowing really well that he was going after Megatron.

As I drove through the City I finally saw Ironhide up ahead. I quickly transform and kick a Decepticon who then transform and flew off.

"Ironhide where's the All-spark" I asked.

"Upon the building. Sam is taking it there" Ironhide said as he pointed at this building. I look up and my optics wide when I saw on the inside of the building Megatron and he was going after Sam. I didn't wait for anyone to tell me anything and I quickly went over to the building and began to climb it.

I look up and saw a chopper but it was then shot down by the same Decepticon that I kick. I could hear Sam scream even from the middle of the building so I quickly began to climb faster.

"Hang on, Sam!" I hear Optimus tell Sam from down below.

"Give me the All-spark and you may live to be my pet" I hear Megatron tell Sam.

"I never giving you this All-spark!" I heard Sam tell him.

"Oh, so unwise" Megatron said. I saw him about to attack the statue that Sam was using as a hiding place when I finally made it to the top and kick Megatron face.

"If you dare hurt him you will wish you were never born" I said in a threatening tone.

"That voice? Moon is that really you?" Megatron asked as he came forward.

"What if I am?" I asked.

"You're in Optimus side?" he asked with a growl.

"Please. I'm with no one. I will never have the courage to choose one over the other but when it comes to my human best friend life then I will not think twice about helping him" I said.

Before he could reply I felt my ground beneath me explode. The same jet from before had shot me but thank the All-spark that he missed his shot and it shot the ground. I fell backward and hit one of the statuses. The same statue that Sam was hiding behind.

Sam and I fell off the building. I closed my optics preparing for my end but then I stopped falling. I felt something grabbed my ankle. I look up and saw 'MEGATRON'.

He had grabbed my ankle. I look down and saw Optimus holding Sam. I then look up at Megatron who had a grin on his face. I look confused. Why did he help me? Megatron then pulled me up. I stood up and look at him.

"Why did you save me?" I asked.

"I may hate Prime but that doesn't mean that I hate my baby sister. You're the last thing that I consider family Moon and even if you hate me I will never hate you back" Megatron explained.

"T...thanks" I said a little hesitated.

"Now if you excuse me I have a Prime to kill" Megatron said then jumped off the building. I watch him tackle Optimus and they both began to fall down to the ground. My optics wide and I quickly began to climb the building down.

Once I hit the ground all I saw was Optimus and Megatron fighting. I saw Sam hiding behind a rock with the Cube in his hands. I look up to both my brothers and thought how much I hated to see them fighting. I ran over and tried to break the fight. I stood between them and tried to push them away from each other.

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