Chapter 5 The Glasses

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Moonlight POV

Well now we are all heading back to Sam's house to get the glasses. Everyone transform and were now ready to go. Sam and Mikaela were riding with Bumblebee. I saw Optimus then walk over to me.

"Moon I will like if you show us the way to Sam's house" Optimus said. I look up at him but didn't reply just transform and waited for him to transform He got the message and transform. I then began to drive off to Sam's house with the rest of the Autobots following behind.

Finally, we got there and park in back of Sam's house on the driveway through an alley in the back.

"I need you to stay here, all right. You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them" Sam tells Mikaela.

"Okay, okay" Mikaela replied.

"All of them? Do you hear what I'm saying?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, okay, okay" Mikaela replied.

"Five minutes, all right" Sam said as he then left and head inside his house backyard door.

Not even 2 minute Optimus transformed and I also transformed so I could stop him.

"What are you doing? Can't you listen?" I asked.

"Moon we need those glasses, we just don't have the time" Optimus replied.

"Please just give Sam some time" Mikaela beg while I knew that she was freaking out on the inside.

"TIMES UP!!" I hear Ironhide yelled as he then transformed and walked away. So did Ratchet, Jazz, and Bee with Optimus following.

I look down at Mikaela who look up at me with 'I don't know what just happened look'.

"Come on let's stop them" I said to her who nod and ran off. She enter the house through the same backyard door that Sam enter while I just went over the fence.

Once I did cross over I watch Sam walk over to Mikaela. While they talk I saw Mojo who was barking then 'OH MY PRIMUS' he just pee on Ironhide pedal.

"Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! God!" Sam yelled as he then ran over to save his stupid dog. Ironhide grunted and kicked Mojo away from his pedal. That's until Sam got there and pick Mojo up.

"Oh, wet" Ironhide said while trying to shake the pee off his pedal. I then watch Ironhide pointed his cannons at Sam and Mojo.

"No, no, no, no, no! Easy! Easy! Hold on?! Hold?! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. he's a pet of mine. He's a pet. Okay? That's all. If you could just put the guns away...Put the...Put them away? Please?" Sam asked nervously.

"You have a rodent infestation" Ironhide said.

"A what?" Sam asked.

"Shall I terminate?" Ironhide asked.

"No, no, no, no! He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua. This is my...This is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?" Sam said then asked Mikaela who had run up to Sam.

"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot" Ironhide said.

"He peed on you. Bad Mojo. Bad Mojo! Bad Mojo!" Sam said scolding the little dog.

"Bad Mojo!" Ironhide repeated making me giggle a little.

"I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing. That's all it is" Sam said as Ironhide then put his cannons away.

"My foot's gonna rust" Ironhide said as he then walk away.

"All right. Okay, okay. Shh, shh, shh. Shut up and go hide!" Sam told Optimus and the others.

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