New kid eh?

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    As I ran I tried to eat my waffle and almost died. Coughing a few times trying to move the waffle pieces from my lungs. Although the thought of maple syrup covered waffled lungs is everything.

       "Snap out of it" I whispered as I walked up to my high school. I slowly walked up until...

      "BOO" Eren screamed. "AHHH FICK" I yelled and accidentally punched him in the stomach. Hehe oopsie daisies. Well then again that's what he gets.

       He fell to the floor and curled up. "Y/n" he stuttered out "I think I'm gonna-gonna die" he slowly closed his eyes at the last part. "Funny Jeager since you died I guess no food for you" I teased.

       He bounced up at the thought of food. "Hey Jeager bomb thought ya died on me" I said with a slight smirk. "Fooooood" was the only response I got "Come on don't go all Sasha on-" the bell was the thing that come me off douche bag thing.

        I grabbed his hand and ran up the stairs. One. Two. Three. I counted the steps.

      "Y/N" Eren breathed out "Slow down....please". I slowly stoped at the top of the stairs. "You are a big baby ya know that Eriie" I said while slowly walking into the building.

     "If we're late cause of you I swear ima-" I was cut off by the five minute bell. Shiiiz nips. "Get up class is about to start" I scolded him. He instantly perked up and ran ahead of me.

      "ERENNN" I yelled as I ran down the empty halls after him. "Catch up cutie" he said with a slight tint to his cheeks. Maybe it's from runing but then again. He. Has. Never. Called. Me. That.

       As I zoned out I realized we we're at class with 3 minutes left to spare. So we sat and caught our breath. Fudge he can run. My mind slowly drifted back to the cutie thing.

     "Hey Eriie" I softly called out. He turned to look at me with his funny colored eyes. Oh boy they are beautiful. I slowly got lost in his eyes. "Heyyyy Y/N" he waved his hand in front of me.

        He leaned in slowly as I snapped out of it. "Hey you" he mumbled. "Close close very close" was the only thing I could get out. Chips and dip. What's he doing to me.

       "Heh sorry squirt just um class is about to start" he said with a smug smirk. "Yeah yeah" I said absent mindedly. We walked into class side by side but it felt weird. Chills ran down my spine. Someone is watching.

     Casting a single look back I saw nothing but a silhouette walking up. Huh substitute probably. We closed the door behind us and sat in our seats. Mine was near a window while Eren's was on the other side.

       I looked out the window daydreaming about food. Until I felt someone through paper at my head. Ow paper hurts I mentally whined. Mental whines are literally my life.

      Literally my life is mental whines and junk food, laughing and saying dudes. Wait what. I suck at rhyming. I shook my head and picked up the weapon.

   Unwrapping the paper all I saw was Eren's horrible writing. Boy oh boy he sucks at writing.

    'Hey dork look up we gotta new student~'

      Looking up and around I saw the teacher talking and introducing him or her or they. Pronouns matter Y/N I mentally scolded myself.

      Anywaysss he had dark hair like my soul styled in a neat undercut dang did it fit his face. I wanted to see his eyes so I struggled to see if I could.

       Until our eyes met. They were sharp and grey. Lord did this guy have a storm swirling in his eyes, they seemed to have a glint in them when we connected.

      Shi shi shi. Panicking panicking. I zoned out for the rest of the intro. Hmm what shall we eat today maybe some type of sna- holy hello kitty he is walking towards me.

      I moved my eyes across the room and saw I was the only one with empty seat beside em. How cliche is that ermagawd.

      He sat beside me and smelt like heaven. Darn. I felt like he was sniffing the air beside me it was weird. Last time I checked this wasn't twilight.

      I looked over and caught his eye. He smirked a bit and stuck out his hand "Levi" he said. Woah his voice is like velvet. "Y/N" I said with a light stutter meeting his hand. "Y/N.. I like that Y/N Y/N" was he trying my name out. Oh I didn't even care he made it feel like my parents have been saying it wrong.

          I dozed off again not realizing the dreamy look he casted and the sharp canines that showed when he bit his lip looking at me.

     "Mine" he softly muttered out. "Huh" I said not paying attention not even noticing the lustful look he had on his face. "Nothing" he spewded out. Hm. New kid eh...I oddly felt like I knew him though. Oh well.

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