Werewolf pt.1

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A/n~ as you lovely people know, it has been a minute since this book had been out, there is some language also w/n is wolf name I apologize ~xoxo

        *Y/n's point of view*

I woke up to this strong amazing scent. Mint, tea, pine and cleaning supplies? Levi. I looked up and there he was sleeping peacefully.

W/n:mate with him now. I looked around for the voice. Have I lost my mind what did he do to me. I squirmed a bit more without even realizing I woke up Levi.

     I grabbed his wrist before he could walk away fully. "Where are you going stay" I gripped him a little tighter. What has gotten into me. "I'm going to the bathroom" he said while rushing to the door.

    W/n: Where did he go? I need him. I keep a pout on my face until he walked then I broke into a dorky grin. "Leviiiiii" I tackled him in a hug......then pinned him to the ground.

     "What did you do to me" I looked at him with questioning eyes but all I got was a low growl. "Princess if you know what's best for you then you should move" he looked at me sternly.

       "Not until you tell me what you did to me" I looked back at him with stern eyes too. I knew I probably looked like a mad kitty but it was worth a shot.

     He flipped us and suddenly I was pinned. W/n: mate mate mate please. I looked around for the voice, to find nothing, then looked at Levi. "I claimed you understood" he looked like he was trying to control something but also bored.

     "What the cheese cake does that mean" I really need to drop the food cuss word thing. Levi got off of me and put a hand down to help me. "It truthfully means your stuck with me  we're bonded" I pushed his hand out the way and stood up.

      W/n: Why don't you listen and mate with him. I looked around again. "Why do you keep doing that" I looked up at him with I assume crazy people eyes. "You don't hear the voice" all I got was a deep velvet chuckle.

"That's your wolf princess" in that one sentence my world shattered
"What do you mean wolf" yep I was sure I looked like a mad man. Levi turned me into a werewolf when all I wanted was to escape.

"Exactly that you are Luna it was to happen at one point" he said looking bored as he stood up and did little things around his room.

The wolf in my head, I guess that's where she is, was silent. I sat on the bed and decided it would be best not to say a word and just plan my escape. Well of course after I learn how to mange this junk.

"I can teach you if you want" I swear it was like he was reading my mind and I kinda hated it. Just like I hate him. Best friend murder.

"Okay when" I looked at him. He was standing at the door looking at me. "Now" he opened the door and walked out all smoothly.

    I stumbled after him through the door and thousands of halls. "You have to learn to control your wolf" he walked past a row of guards that just stood there. Me being me of course I stared at them. There was so many just lined up like a war was gonna happen.

    "Y/n pay attention" I looked up at him to see him already out the door. Geez this is going to be hard ac heck. Then I got a sudden wake up call

Wait a minute.

    "Where are we going" this time I made sure to ask sternly last time I asked I was all over the place and got kidnapped by a crazy wolf man. I honestly have know idea what he can do.

       "What you don't trust me" he walked into deep woods which I assume was his land or something like that. "Not at all" I said loudly while standing on the outskirts. Levi then put his hand in my direction.

    "Trust me" I looked into his crazy eyes. He kidnaped me, killed my best friend and turned me into a monster. I was so mad I called him strictly by his last name at one point. Could I really trust him?

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