God get along

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         We sat for a few more minutes until we got up and left. Thank cookies I hate her class. As soon as I was in the halls I ran to catch up with Eren. "Hey dweeb" I said patting his shoulder. "Hey dork...sooo the new kid" uh oh here we go.

     "Who Levi" I tried playing it stupid. "No Casper..of course I mean Le-" just as he almost said his name he was right beside me.

     Eren pulled me over to his side so we could both look at him. He looked at us with a bored expression but I swear I heard a slight...growl? Eh oh well.

     Wow I use oh well a lot. "Y/N" Levi's sweet deep velvet voice made me come back to earth. "Yes L-levi" fudge crackers I stuttered again.

     He smiled a bit. Yep definitely caught my stutter. Dangum it. "Walk to class with me" he smiled a tad bigger. Show off was all I could think when I saw his sparkling teeth.

     "Um yeah sure" was my 'I'm trying to be curt but your gorgeous so it's hard' response. A cough broke my weird daze. Huh I looked to my side where Eren was holding my arm and I remembered.

     I forgot he existed. My bad. I laughed a bit. "Sorry Levi this is Eren, Eren this is Levi" I introduced them the best I could.

    My darling Eriie being the sweet cupcake he is held his hand out to Levi. Once again I heard a growl. Maybe Im hungy. Yes Y/N hungy not hungry.

     As I talked to myself in my big wonderful head I missed Levi moving Eren's hand out of his body lane. It was like some kind of high school feud between them.

    When I came back to life back to reality, again brain stop with the song references, they were glaring at each other. Uh oh spaghetti o's.

     "Guys.." my voice cut through the silence. They both looked at me and smiled. Maybe its my imagination. "Soo Y/N... Ya gonna walk with me".

      I know whose velvet deep voice that is. Gosh I should stop before I get obsessed. "Um helloo Y/N" he called out. Aww fiddle sticks I zoned out.

   "Erm sorry yeah sure.." I looked over at Eren "But can Eriie come we got the same classes". Levi had a slightly ticked off look. Maybe there is something with them.

    He forced a smile "Lovely" was the reply. Perfect my boys getting along. Sorta. Kinda. To an extinct. I linked my arms with Eren's.

      I heard another growl. This time I looked over at Levi and saw canines peak from behind his lips. They looked just like a dogs. Errr those weren't there when he smiled.

      He caught me starring and shot me a wink. I felt my face get hot of course I'm not blushing but still my cheeks are kinda warm. I looked away and tried to play it off.

      I looked over at Eren to see he was already staring at me. Oh boy. I say oh boy a-lot too. "What is it" I tried to play cool again until he smoothly said " You're just pretty is all".

     Fickfickfickfickfickfickfick. One more fick for the road. FICK. "Ha Yeager come on don't go all Augustus Waters on me" I laughed a bit trying to change the topic.

     Eren smiled a bit. "I can try but just like him I like to look at pretty people". I was gonna say something sarcastic but Levi broke into to the convo.

     "Heh cute anyways Eriie is it yeah can you show me to the bathroom". Golly he doesn't sound to happy. "Oh uh yeah sure.. Y/N wait for me" Eren said softly to me. "Of course" he is really being a romantic for some reason.

     "Great" he flashed me a smile and walked away with Levi following. I leaned against the wall just relaxing a bit. It didn't seem like Levi likes him but God I hope they get along.

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