Rivaille and I

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      You guys know about the language but some people wanna know ahead so there is some sorry also I'm adding in his wolf so be ready!!~xoxo

*Levi's point of view*

I held on to her. Why would she try to leave me she's not a prisoner. This is her castle. I looked into her eyes. Damnit I scared here again. So bad she was shaking.

Rivaille: Claim her my wolf spoke out in my head. I let go of her and stepped back a bit. Rivaille: why did you move she felt perfect and her smell made us damn near faint. I held back the growl coming up.

"I'm sorry pl-ease" she begged out. Damnit I must have stared at her to long and freaked her out.  "I won't hurt my mate" Rivaille: cuddle her. He slowly took control and walked over to her.

Damnit Rivaille. We  picked her up and sat in the bed with her on our lap. I must admit it felt nice. I started to purr something I would never do.

"Wh-whats wrong with you" she stuttered out. Rivaille: tell her what we are and that she's our mate and a queen to a clan of  our people. Ugh shut up.

"Well princess.." I made her look into my eyes. "I'm a alpha, a king, a leader to a bunch of.." Rivaille: it's now or never tell our mate who she is and what she will become. "Wolves" I looked at her with a mix of emotions.

"You- you aren't serious are you" she looked at me with questioning eyes. All I could do was nod. Rivaille: tell her she's the Luna. "Actually Y/n your my mate" I slowly drawled out. "What do you mean" she looked confused and scared.

"Every wolf has someone they're meant to be with... a goddess put us together..your a Luna, a queen, a leader by my side" I held her close.

Rivaille: finally god I just want claim her here and now and never let her leave us.

She stayed quiet.  "I have a wolf his name is Rivaille" I finally left it out. Rivaille: she knows about me. Y/n knows about me. Calm down Rivaille.

"Does-does he know.. about me of course" she strutted our she seemed to be accepting staying with me. "Yes he knows about you" I thought on if  I should tell her she would meet him but she beat me to it.

"Do I get to meet him" Rivaille: tell her she will meet me please please. I might just take control and introduce myself. "Yes you will he will soon take over to meet you" I looked at my watch to see the time. Ten o'clock damnit.

I laid her in the bed. "That's enough learning about me you should go to sleep" Rivaille: see aren't you happy you told eyebrows and shorty glasses to wait until tomorrow. Yes I am. "Okay goodnight" she didn't stutter. Rivaille: maybe she will love us.

Hopefully "goodnight Y/n" I walked out of her room and closed the door. Rivaille: did she have blankets? Is it too cold for her? Is it to hot? What if she has a nightmare? What if- Jesus Christ shut up she's fine although I think her sheets are out the window.

I walked down the halls to my room in the pack house. Soon she will live with me for now she will get comfy here.

"Alpha" ugh Petra. "What is it" I looked at her with a bland expression. "I was just wondering when the ceremony will be and umm do you have a date" she looked at me hopefully.

Rivaille: I thought she would know the ceremony is for her Luna damn she's stupid.  "I do" I simply put it. As I was about to walk into my room she burst into rage.

"Why would you choose a basic wolf over me I-" I cut her off  "she's human" I stated in a 'matter of fact' tone. "That's even worse you would choose her over me a gross fucking human" she looked at me with rage.

Rivaille: How.Fucking.Dare.She. Rivaille took control as fast as light. "Disrespect your fucking Luna again and I'll chop your tongue off" I growled at her.

"Y-yes Alpha" she bowed her head out of respect and fear. Good as she should. "Get our of my sight. Tch disgusting"  I watched as she ran away as Rivaille slowly went back down.

I opened the door and walked into my room and sat on my bed. Rivaille: how dare she. I leaned back onto my bed and closed my eyes. I know Rivaille she'll bow down to her in due time.
Rivaille:she better. I ignored his talking and drifted to sleep.

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