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Vaguely I open my eyes as I lay on an OR table. People rushing around me. Laying down looking up I saw the intern observe gallery were doctors and interns sat and looking down. Saw Christian with Grace's arm around his shoulders, as they sat and looked down on me where I lay on the OR table. Christian's head in his hands. A thick plastic gas mask came from the side and cover my nose and mouth. My ears start to sing louder and louder and I was out, in total darkness.

My subconscious brought my hearing back first so I heard everything around me. Doctors being called over the hospital intercom in a distance. I took a quick inventory of my body. I ache all over, where I never thought I had places before. Opening my eyes to soft light behind me. There were flowers and cards everywhere in the room. 

Noticing only now that there are people around me. Elliot holding Kate in his arms comforting her as she softly cries on his shoulder. Mia and Grace in Carrick's arms and Ray leaning against the wall of my room staring out the window. Christian holding my hand as he lay on his arms on the side of my bed. All of them are here and in such a daze. Gosh, I feel so tired. Squeezing Christian's hand and brushing his sexy bed head hair off his face. Jose also standing alone in a dark corner behind Ray.

'Hey.' Christian said smiling at me.

'Hi.' I whispered. All the heads in the room turned to me. It's like all on queue as relieve wash over all their faces in unison.

'How are you feeling Annie?' Ray asked stepping closer and took my other hand. Holding onto the back of an empty chair.

'I ache everywhere but other than that I'll think I'll survive.'

'Darling, you had us all so worried. When Christian called telling us what happened we all came rushing.' Grace said stepping out of Carrick's embrace walking towards me.

'What happened? After I got to the ER that is?' I had to ask.

'The doctors haled you off to x-ray and scans after they stopped your bleeding in the ER. They then rushed you off to an OR, a half an hour later.' Christian paused breaking eye contact with me looking at his mother. Grace took my hand.

'You went into cardiac arrest because of your severe blood loss, on the OR table. Twice this has happened. They managed to get the fragments of the bullets out of your wounds. Although the bullets by the grace of GOD missed your major organs on your side but hit your lunge. The wound in your lunge was very extensive to repair but they managed it. They cleaned out your wounds and started to close you up again.'

'Goodness.' I said wide eyed as I look from Grace to Christian's tired looking face. He had a beard.

'That was Saturday evening. It's Thursday evening now.' Okay, this explains his beard.

'I've been...' I trail off.

'Yeah Annie, you've been out of it for five days. Your mother is frantic, calling twice a day to find out how you are.' Oh, mama. Kate and Elliot stepped closer dragging Jose with them.

'It is so nice to see you all here. Thank you all for coming so far.' I felt like saying as tears stung my eyes.

'It's the least we can all do after you protected my son.' Carrick said pulling Mia with him.

'But risking her own life to safe mine was unnecessary.' Christian said looking at me all smoldering angry. Crap I'm in more doo- doo then I thought.

'Thank you for saving my stubborn brother.' Mia said giving me half a hug.

'You're welcome and I'll gladly do it again if it means to keep him here with all of us for a long time.'

'Oh, Ana.' Grace said folding me in her embrace, as she sobbed. Pain lash through me. Carrick put his hand on her shoulder and she turned from me to Carrick's arms crying again.

'You look tired Ana. Maybe we should all turn in for the night.' Kate said to the room in general. I nod at her. Everyone said their good night's and filled out of my room. Grace said she'll get a nurse to bring me some painkillers. Then she and Carrick and Ray all kissed me on my forehead then left my room, leaving Christian and me alone at last. Taylor standing by the door outside my room. Christian and I staring at each other for the longest time. Christian kissed the back of my hand, holding our gaze.

'You are mad at me. I can tell.' I asked in a dry scratchy whisper. He hands me some water to drink.

'Yes, I am palm twitching mad.' He said as I took a welcoming drink.

'You wanted to die then?' I asked horrified, looking at him.

'If it meant your safe, yes I would have given my life for yours.' He said looking away from me, to his hands.

'Oh Christian, I think my option worked out much better than me losing you completely. If you were gone completely I would have been sucked into a pool of never recovering at all for the rest of my life. I would have died old and totally alone.' I let him know how I would have felt if he had died Saturday night.

'Ana, I watched you on the OR table flatline twice it awakens all my worst fears of losing you. A reality I don't want to ever relive again. My heart was sucked from my body twice at the thought of not seeing you again. Seeing you slip away from me like that was beyond agonizingly painful. I love you, Anastasia Steele.' Christian made his feeling very clear bring tears to my eyes. Oh, my fifty, what am I going to do with you. Tears now running freely down my face.

'Please, don't cry Ana.' He said coming to sit beside me on my bed taking me in his arms.

'I love you more than you ever know, Christian.'

'I know baby.' He said whipping my tears away. A nurse came to give me some painkillers then left my room in a hast.

'Rest now Ana, baby.' He said stroking my cheek with the back of his knuckles.

'Only if you hold me, please.'

'Ana I don't want to hurt you more than you already have.'

'Please.' I asked holding the covers for him to get in. He kicked off his shoes and socks and finally got in on my healthy side. Enveloping me with his arms that always make me feel so safe. Wrapping his leg over my legs, kissing my hair. I inhaled his Christian brand scent, mixed with his body wash and fabric softener. Although now by the look of his creased shirt he could use a clean one.

'Your clothes when was the last time you had on a clean pair of clothes on?'

'Saturday, Taylor brought me a clean shirt while you were in the OR. My old one was soaked in your blood.'


'Yeah, I was trying to keep the pressure on your wounds and keep you awake.'

'I remember you keeping me awake. Your beautiful eyes covered in panic and fear.' I feel my painkiller taking effect and my eyes looped.

'Sleep now baby. All is well now. You're safe.' In those words, I fell into the sand man's spell of happy dreams of Christian and me being married with kids running and playing around us, where we all are having a lovely picnic in a lovely meadow covered in wildflowers. Then everything shifts in my dream where I was in labor with our first baby. Already fifteen hours in labor and I'm no longer dilated and our baby is in distress and Dr. Greene rush me off for an emergency c-section. 

Christian is one big ball of stress holding my hand. Now I'm pregnant with our second child. Christian argued with me for weeks. I wanted to call her Ella but he doesn't want to call our daughter after his dead crack whore mother and he already has a name, Phoebe. I finally decided to give in and she will be Phoebe Rose Grey. I wanted a natural birth with her but Christian said flat out, no. He was in such a panic with Theodore's birth. Laying on the OR table with Christian filming the c-section. He set up the camera on the tripod so he can film Phoebe's birth and be here for me holding my hand kissing my damp forehead. Then there were orders being yelled by Dr. Greene than the loud cry of Phoebe.

'Congratulations, it's a girl.' Dr. Greene said. Christian walked away to where the nurses were busy with Phoebe. Busy cleaning her up.    

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