A few days remaining

57 2 2

*Unknown voice*


Those were the last words I heard before I woke up. No one was there to wake me up, but I did hear a voice.

Haha. No one would even be here. I mean, no one can even go in here, since this is a secret hideout I made for myself.

This is the place where I do most of the coding, and analysis for any or future problems that the cyTus server might have.

I finally stood up, and prepared myself a meal. While I was eating, I thought to myself,

"I had a crazy dream, eh."

I really did have a crazy dream. I mean, it's a combination of a lot of unusual things. First, the Aesir virtual concert which in real life is just a few days remaining before it commences.

"Oh, wait. That's exactly why I dreamt about it. Since it's near already, it's been on my mind"

That doesn't explain the enthusiasm I have for such a concert though. Even if it was just a dream...

"Hmm, my name was also different there", I expressed while having a confused look in my face.

I just continued eating my meal, and as soon as I finished eating, I remembered something..

"Oh, that's right! I need to call Juls to ask if we're gonna have practice today"

"KITT, call Julienne", I said with a bit of a loud voice, so that he would me.

"Calling Julienne", my A. I. replied.

After a couple of seconds, someone answered.


"Oh, hey Juls. Are we gonna have practice today? You should also work on fixing how you play the bass notes", I said to her with a bit of a sluggish tone.

"You ok? You sound dead", she replied

"I'm ok. I just woke up earlier, so I'm still a bit sleepy."

"NyaaAAA~~ you didn't watch my stream!!", she exclaimed.

"Hmm. What? Why should I even watch it? And it's just 8 am right now. What time did you even stream?! Anyway, just e-mail me if you're interested in practicing", I told her, then I hanged up.

I better get to work already. I took a shower, wore my usual work clothes, and packed everything I need in my suitcase.

I went to the headquarters of A. R. C. by using my own car. I went through the electronic security door, and made it verify myself by scanning my ID, face, and the pattern of how I walk.

Afterwards, I went up a floor, and there's another security door wherein it scanned my retina. Then, I went to my private office which is a lot of floors above this one by using the transporter.

As soon as I got to my office, I did what I usually do. Perform a full-time scan of any potential malicious program in the cyTus Server. I'm also working on a new security measure so that the cyTus server would be more secure. It took me a couple of hours just to do those two things.

It's really tiring when you have to maintain the security of a large-scale server with over billions of users.

I used the transporter to go to the floor where the canteen is located.

"Oh, hey. Here's your meal. Just the usual", the employee said to me while leaving an uneasy smile.

I ate my food, and as I was eating, someone sat on the chair beside me.

"Hi there, Simon."

"Oh, hi too, David", I replied as I waved my hand.

David just usually surprises me before by sitting beside me during lunch break, but I'm not really surprised anymore.

"So, listen. Have you heard of the new recruit?", he asked me.

"You mean, the one who just got freed?", I asked in return.

"Yeah. Admins are pretty strict about him."

"Do you think we should keep an eye on him?", he asked.

"I don't know. The admins probably know what they're doing. Otherwise, they wouldn't even let him in here", I replied in return.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

As soon as we finished eating, we headed back to our respective stations. I worked and worked and as soon as I got finished, I went to Julienne's place.

"Who's there?", someone asked.

"It's me. Simon.", I replied.

I entered the gate, went inside the house through the elcetronic door, and prepared my instruments.

"Hey, Julienne, where are you?"


I entered her room and found her playing on her computer.

"Hey, let's practice already.", I said

"Waiiiitttt~ The games nah yet finished~"

"I'll start without you, then", I said with an annoyed tone.

I didn't get any response, so I just continued walking into the living room.

*Electronic guitar sounds*

"Nyaa~ I'm here", she said with excitement.

"Tsk. What took you so long? Anyway, let's start", I stated.

"Nye~ Sorry. I just got caught up in the game. What song should we practice?"

"Let's practice INSPION, I guess", I answered.

We practiced for an hour, and I immediately headed home afterwards.

The Aesir-fest is closing in. I better get ready with the security for the virtual connection. I just prepped some C141 extenders, and continued programming the security codes.

Come to think of it, PAFF will also be in the concert. I should also reserve a seat for myself.

I went online in the iM, or also known as the Instant Messaging system. I posted online if someone has a spare ticket for the Aesir-fest that they would be willing to sell.

*Creating post*
:Does someone still have a spare ticket for the Virtual Aesir-fest that I may buy?

A few minutes after posting that, I had several replies.

*Opens the replies section*

JohnCocoa15: I have an available ticket in Virtual area D. Just if you're interested.

Alzcon1001: Woah. It's rare to see @Xenon get interested in a concert.

Xenon: I just wanted to go. I just like hearing Helena's songs. @JohnCocoa15, I would like a ticket for Area A, but if I'm interested, I'll contact you.

*Closes the replies section*

I planned to slept after awhile, and I heard my phone ring. I checked who's calling, and I saw a name of someone from A. R. C.

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