when they first meet!

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I walk in the doors of McKinley high, it's a new year a new me. Terri and I have been divorced for nearly a year this march because she cheated on me with my best friend while she was fake pregnant.
on my way to my office, I walk past this beautiful lady with red ginger hair.

will: Welcome to McKinley, Ms Pillsbury.

Emma: thank you.

They gave each other a smile.

will's Pov

wow, she is amazing, she gave me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life, now that Terri is gone I can start my life over again and I want my life to start with her, she is so beautiful, I need to ask her out. I hope she's single

Emma's Pov

wow he is so handsome, he has one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen, now that Carl has gone I can get on with my life and I want my life to start with him, no one else, I need to ask him out. I hope he's single

A couple of days later!

in glee club

Mr Schue walks into the glee club to set up for the day before the kids walk in. A couple of minutes later Rachel walks in with Finn holding hands. then Quinn and puck walk in. then the rest of the kids walk in. this week's assignment is a mash-up. boys against girls.

After glee club practice will walked out of the choir room and walks to the teacher's lounge where he sees Emma sitting by herself.

Will: is anyone sitting here?

Emma: no have a seat.

they start talking

"so how has your week been so far" will said

"good so far, I've had a couple of your glee kids come in and talk to me" Emma replied

the bell rings and they walk out of the teacher's lounge going their separate ways to their offices. before they went to their offices will asked Emma

Will: would you like to get coffee sometime?

Emma: I would love to.

Will: Okay

they walked to their office

Will's Pov

I just asked her for a coffee I'm so excited I can barely breathe. it's going to be awesome I can't wait. I really need to tell her how I feel, but I don't what to scare her off so quickly. we just met, I can't ruin it. we have only known each other for a week. but I can't help myself. she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

Emma's Pov

OMG, will just asked me out for coffee. this has been one of the best days I have ever had in my life. will is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. I like him so much.


the next day will walked past Emma's office and knocked on the door. and she looked up and he said

Will: hi I just wanted to tell you about us getting a coffee if that is still on.

Emma: yes, but I was meaning to ask you what day is it

Will: well I was thinking this Saturday

Will: what do you think"

Emma: Okay, I would love that

Emma replied with the biggest smile on her face

will left Emma's office with a big smile on his face

Emma sat back down on her chair and she was like OMG, I can't wait for Saturday, it's going to be amazing, I really want to tell him how I feel but I don't want to scare him off we just meet last week


this is my first ever fan fiction so I decide to make it on my favourite Glee couple.

so I hope you like it. comment on any suggestions that I can add to it, there are a lot more chapters to come of will and Emma's future and some of the glee club's future as well, so stay tuned.

_shae (glee fan)

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