getting coffee

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if you didn't already know Emma has OCD but when she is around will all of that changes. so through this whole story, Emma is suffering from her OCD but she doesn't show it because she has will in her life to help fix her problems?

getting coffee

It was Saturday morning and will just woke up and looked at the clock and realized that he had to pick Emma up in a few hours so he jumped out of bed with excitement and went to the shower to go and got ready. 

Will's Pov 

OMG, today is the day I'm going to get coffee with the prettiest girl in this world. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I really hope she likes me as much as I like her. and I don't mean as friends I mean as a lover.

Emma's Pov

OMG, it's finally Saturday and I get to have coffee with one of the most handsome and talented man in this world. I really like him more than a friend like a lover.

Emma was getting ready when she heard a knock at the door.

she said 

"OMG he is here" 

Emma went to the door and opened it and saw will looking as handsome as ever.

Will's Pov

I arrived at her apartment and went up to her door and knocked. I heard this sweet little voice say

"in  a  minute"

so I wanted until I saw the door handle turn and this beautiful lady was standing there.

"wow I said, you  look amazing, are you ready" will said in a shock

"yes let's go," Emma said

will gave Emma his arm and she put her arm in his

they walked down to Will's car and he went to the passenger side and opened it for her

"thank you" she replied 

"your welcome" will replied back

they drive to the Lima bean cafe. once they get there will helped Emma out of the car giving her his arm and they walk to the cafe. will opens the door for Emma and they find their seat. they sit down to wait for their coffees. once their coffees get there they drink them very slowly and started talking about their past, and what they did before they started at McKinley.

Emma started the conversation by saying that she didn't really work anywhere. because she was always on holiday or she just didn't like the jobs that she had.

"what about you will where did you work before McKinley," Emma said

next will spoke and he said 

"well before I started working at McKinley I used to be an accountant because my wife now ex-wife Terri needed me to get money because we wanted to start a family but my job working at a cafe wasn't paying a lot, and we would always fight and one us would always walk out. but then one day I came home early from work because I was going to surprise her with a holiday I had planned for us. but when I got home I was wondering where she was.

"where was she," Emma said gasping

"she was in our bed making out with one of my friends from work while she was pregnant. I was so shocked and I grabbed the bags that I had already packed for our trip, grabbed the keys and hopped in my car and drove to my parent's house. 

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