will's birthday plan

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this story is based on wemma from glee, but there are some scenes that I have taken out of the show and put in this story! like and comment? I'm sorry this chapter is really long, this doesn't have that much detail on Will's birthday but it does talk about Emma helping the glee club set up for it! P.S. it's a couple of months later in the story, in case you were wondering.

will and Emma have been dating for nine months and living together for  3 1/2  months. And wills birthday is right around the corner and Emma wants to surprise him. One day will is too sick to go to school, but Emma has a plan. 

she wakes up and looks over and sees will fast asleep,  she leans over and kisses him, and then she  gets ready for the day. she is getting ready when she hears will getting up and she runs back to their room and says

"honey, you're staying home, your way too sick to go to school"

"what about glee club, we have to get ready for sectionals" will said coughing

"I've got that covered, Mr Figgins has gotten a new substuite starting and she starts her first class today and I'm giving her a tour in about an hour," Emma said with a smile.

"okay" will said

Emma leaned to kiss will but will stops her, he said

"I don't want you to get sick"

"it's okay I want" Emma replied smiling

 Emma tried again to kiss will and this time he didn't pull away. after they kissed Emma had to leave.

"I have to go, but call me if you need anything"  she screamed out from the other room

"okay" will said 

Emma was running around the apartment like crazy trying to find everything

will screams out and says

"love you"

Emma replied 

"love you too"

 Emma finds her keys grabs her bag and jacket, ran out the door, hoped into her car and drove to school, once she got there she saw Shelby Corcoran who is going to take over glee club just until will gets better.

Emma started the tour by showing Shelby her office 

"so about the glee club, my boyfriend runs it and it's his birthday very soon and I want the glee kids to do something for him, so  I have this plan, I just need to go and talk to the glee kids today and ask them about it. only because this is going to be our first time together celebrating his birthday as a couple" Emma said

"Okay, well im here to help any way I can, " Shelby said  

"so when glee club is on I will come in with you and introduce you to the kids then I'm going to tell them that it's their teacher's birthday next week and we should do a number for him," Emma said

"okay"  Shelby replied

the bell rang and Shelby walked into the choir room with Emma behind her. Emma walks up to the board and was beginning to write this week's assignment when Rachel walked in

"hi Ms Pillsbury, what are you doing here," Rachel said

"Well," Ms Pillsbury said

"I'm just here to help Ms Corcoran out with everything"

all the glee kids started walking in and sat down in their seats until Emma said something

"so you guys are probably wondering why I'm here and not Mr Schuester, well  his at home resting because he is sick, and so Mr Figgins has found you guys a substitute" 

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