moving in together!

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I hope you like this story so far, I'm only four chapters down.

It has been one month since Will and Emma got together and they are taking it slowly. but when Emma and Will go their separate ways they miss each other so much.

will's Pov

OMG Emma and I have been dating for one month and I love her so much, I wouldn't say I like it when we have to go our separate ways to go home. I just want to see her every day and every night.

Emma's Pov

OMG will and I have been dating for one month and I love him so much. I hate it when we both have to go home and I have to leave him it sucks so bad. when he leaves I miss him so much.

one morning will was waiting for Emma in the car park until her car came in and when she hopped out they ran up to each other and  kissed each other until Emma pulled away

"don't you have a glee club to teach," Emma said smiling

"they can wait a couple of minutes, I want to see you because I missed you so much," Will said kissing Emma

"I missed you too," Emma said kissing will

  Emma and Will walk to the entrance hand in hand, once they arrived at Emma's office she stops and pulls Will in for another kiss, Emma walks to the office door and unlocks it, then she turns around to look at Will and pulls him in for another kiss. after they kiss will says

"I will come by at the end of glee club so we can talk okay" 

"Okay," Emma said kissing Will once more

will walks out of Emma's office, and down to his office which wasn't that far down the hallway. will walks into his office and he sees that someone has left him a love letter, it says

"dear Will Schuester, you are my world, you are my love, you are my everything, I love you so much, nothing or no one is going to take you away from me. I can't stop thinking about you when you're not with me. and every second of each day I miss you. whenever I'm with you my heart is complete and I have never felt this happy ever since me and Carl split last year"

from your one and only dearest Emma Pillsbury.

"Wow," Will said with tears in his eyes

will got up out of his chair and ran to Emma's office crying. 

"Will  are you okay, why are you crying," Emma said surprised (because she had a feeling why he was crying) 

"Will, come and sit down, tell me what happened," Emma said surprised closing the door

will answered with a sob

"I got to my office and found this letter that was addressed to me. when I looked who it was from, my heart just melted and then I started to cry I love you so much" Will said pulling Emma into a kiss. 

After Will was so emotional he stopped crying and asked Emma a massive question

"Emma we've been together for one month, and every time we leave each other to go into our separate cars I feel like I have lost you for 12 hours until I see you the next day, when I'm with you my heart is complete, but when you leave I feel like half of me is missing. so what I wanted to ask you was will you please move in with me" Will added

"OMG, yes I would love to," Emma said hugging and kissing Will.

"Really," Will said 

"yes" Emma replied

"Okay" will said happily 

"well after school we will drive to your apartment  and pack up your stuff and we will move you into my apartment tonight, what do you think"

"that will be amazing," Emma said with a big smile.

"okay" Will said kissing Emma once more

will left Emma's office and walked to the choir room to start the lesson, but he couldn't concentrate,

"Mr Schue, are you okay," Rachel said walking up to him

"I'm fine" Will replied

"you don't look fine" Quinn added

"We all know you're in love," Mercedes said

"Well, I asked Emma to move in with me this morning, and she said yes" Will said smiling

"wait, you have only been together for a month and you're already asking her to move in with you," Tina said stuttering

"Tina once you're in love you can't control yourself. and he loves her so why can't he ask her to move in with him" Quinn said

"that is so sweet," Rachel said cheering

After school will and Emma hopped into their cars and drove to Emma's house. they hopped out of their cars and went up to her apartment. will and Emma walked hand in hand, to grab her stuff they unfolded the boxes and started packing. it was really lucky they had two cars to fit everything in. After they packed everything they went back down to their cars and drove to Will's apartment. to put all of her stuff away.  will helped Emma put her stuff away after will helped Emma put her stuff away he went to go make dinner. Emma walked into the kitchen and said 

"thank you for everything," Emma said

"what do you mean" Will answered

"Well, I thought I was going to be single for the rest of my life until I met you, and after Carl and I split I haven't felt this happy since then. and then you come along and you picked me up off my feet and you make me happy, and that's what I like about you" Emma replied with tears.

"Honey don't cry, it's going to be okay, I promise," Will said hugging Emma


sorry this isn't that long if I come up with anything else to add to any of these chapters I will

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