The spider discovered by the cat

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This is a non-profit fanfic that does not intend to infringe the rights of those who own the Bettlejuice and Spiderwoman franchises. Translation done with DeepL and myself, forgive grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.


Capítulo 1: The spider discovered by the cat

It was a sunny afternoon in the town of Winter River and the native birds were chirping all over the place as the older residents went out to their gardens and enjoyed reading the local newspaper.

In spite of this calm, peaceful atmosphere, a young girl named Lydia Deetz cried inconsolably over her bed after coming home from school in a Victorian-style house on a high, uniform hilltop overlooking the surrounding area.

The girl had the blackest hair one could imagine, which contrasted with the girl's white skin which was very snowy.

The door to Lydia's room opened and a black cat came in and jumped on the bed and rubbed against the girl's arm as he purred to try to cheer her up.

"Don't be sad, Lydia," said the cat, as incredible as it may seem, and then turned into a cat boy.

The cat boy had nothing to do with the image you see in Western imagery, he was not furry, he had no furry face, no cat eyes or nose, no moustaches or animal paws. He was just like an ordinary boy (though extremely cute) with only a pair of ears and a cat's tail.

"I'm sure that Brewster paid the judges to vote for her picture," tried to console her the cat boy named Percy.

"No, now that I see it better, Claire won clean." Lydia said while she wiped away the tears.

At Lydia's school, there was a photo contest and Lydia who was very fond of photography thought she would win the contest. Her photograph "the weeping angel" consisted of an angel in the village cemetery, who looked headlong under a family crypt, the statue was covered on his face by a very thin web and every day the web captured the morning dew, giving the impression that the angel was crying.

Although the photograph was superb, she lost to the photo that the hateful Claire Brewster brought back, which consisted of showing the face of a dog in extreme make-up.

"The composition of Claire's picture was better than mine," Lydia assessed, although Percy thought the judges only voted for the funny look of the puppy.

"It's not enough that I have my darkroom to develop photos, I need help and advice to improve my photos. Otherwise Claire will win again using only her cell phone," admitted Lydia, who already replied and had a voice that was the envy of all the girls at school (and so Claire and her lackey girls made fun of her because they were envious).

"And what will you do, Lydia?"

Lydia looked for a moment into infinity with those beautiful, huge, dark eyes of hers, which crowned the whole of a perfect long, slender face and long neck like that of a cerval feline.

"I'm going to the city, my cousin Jessica lives there. She runs her own newspaper called "Justice", and the newspapers need a lot of photographic work, so I'm sure I can learn a lot there."

With that resolution Lydia went to her parents and asked them if she and Percy could spend the holidays in the company of her oldest cousin.

Both Charles and her stepmother, Delia, had no objections and called Jessica Drew, who agreed to let her young cousin go to her.

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