Lydia's information

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This is the starting point for the retelling, which focuses on the episode: "Dracula's Revenge" from the Spiderwoman cartoon. The ambience of this fanfic is situated in the 70's-80's


Capítulo 2: Lydia's information

After a week Lydia had already learned a lot about professional photography thanks to the help of her cousin Jessica Drew and her friend Jeff, who had a romantic fixation on the editor of the newspaper Justice.

"I see you're very overprotective of Jessica," Lydia said to her cousin Billy, who always appeared to be inappropriate every time Jeff wanted to flirt with Jessica Drew.

"What do you expect, she's my aunt," said Billy, "I have to protect her from anyone who tries to get close to her."

"Don't you think Jessica should make the decision about who she wants to date?"

Billy was silent and at that moment Jessica went to the boys' place and after greeting them went to her office.

After an hour Lydia and the boys wanted to talk to Jessica, but she was not present in the building.

"Aunt Jessica always does this," Billy told Lydia and Percy, "every time Jeff and I want to find her, it seems like the earth swallowed her up."

Lydia and Percy exchanged significant looks, Jessica no doubt went to fight evil as the spider woman.

"I hope you take care of yourself, Jessica," Lydia was a little worried.



Late at night, Jeff and the boys found Jessica working in front of her typewriter and checking out the publisher for tomorrow.

"Jesus, Jessica," said Jeff worried, "it's too late, you should go home."

"It's true, Aunt Jessica, you work too hard," said Billy.

"I'll just stay a little longer," Jessica said without looking up from her work, " What about if you, Jeff, took the kids to my house."

"Okay Jessica, but tomorrow you're coming to the movies with us, Lydia wants to see a horror movie and it would be good if you came and relaxed a little."

"But I don't like horror movies." Jessica was trying to make excuses.

"Please Jessica," said Lydia, "you have to take your mind off it, and I would also like you to come with me to the shops to expand my Gothic wardrobe."

"All right, guys, I guess I can relax tomorrow."



As promised is debt, Jessica accompanied the three kids tomorrow. Jeff had to carry bags, but so did Billy and Percy.

"Lydia I'm hungry," complained Percy.

"Where could we go to eat?" Lydia asked Jessica.

"I know the right place," said Jessica with a smile.

"Oh, no," Jeff complained, "no more hot dogs, please."

"No more?" Lydia asked puzzled by the man's reaction.

"Aunt Jessica always invites us to eat hot dogs when she decides to take a break," Billy told her.

"Please Jeff, let Lydia and Percy decide. So, guys, what do you want to eat?"

Lydia Deetz and Spider Woman (completed 3/3)Where stories live. Discover now