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A week has passed by so quickly after the incident between me and Tzuyu. I tried to get to know her better within the days of that week but always something had to come up. Making all of my plans a fail.

I was walking down the halls with Momo. It was 7:26 and class was about to start. We start to hed towards our locker but then I heard someone whispering at the corner where we were about to turn. I stopped Momo by grabbing her hand. I put my finger on my lips signalling her to be quiet. After that we start to listen.

"Hey, did you know that there's a new student coming?" The first girl said to her friend

"What's so intersting about that?" The other girl replied in a sassy tone

"I don't know, It's just that she's from Japan. Nothing special" The first girl replied while putting her arms up as seen through the corner.

"Ugh anything else? I need more information." The first girl said with more interest

"Umm well I also heard she danced ballet for about 11 years? I bet she's pretty." The other girl then replied trying to add something up

Before the first girl could reply the bell quickly rang which made both of them run toward their classrooms.

"Well, that was a waste of time." I said bluntly walking towards our lockers without caring anymore about the topic they were talking about.


Time passed by quickly, me and Momo already entered our classrooms, for Momo's class is the one beside mine. Her class is one of the luckiest ones because of their teacher, Ms.Kim, which always dismiss her classes 10 minutes before the usual time and also gives students additonal 10 minutes for them to enter the room after the bell rings. As for mine, our teacher was quiet nice but was very strict in time.

As I quickly sat down on my seat, Mrs.Min entered the room followed by a girl with short hair which was unfamilliar to the eye.

"Good Morning Class, Today we have an unfamilliar face to come to school today, Ms.Myoui please introduce yourself" Mrs.Min said with a bright smile while pointing her arm to 'Ms.Myoui'.

"Good Morning Everyone, My name is Mina Sharon Myoui. My home is in Japan and I truly hope you would welcome me here in Korea" She said after bowing slowly showing her gummy smile as I may describe it as.

"Ms.Myoui, Please sit beside Mr.Jeon at the back and be aware that the student body president would be giving you a tour around school" Mrs.Min then added as Mina took her seat

'The president?!?! this bitch should not come near my--' I said inside my head but then got interrupted by someone calling my name

I quickly looked at front, where I saw Mrs.Min looking at me then repeatly saying my name.

"Ms.Minatozaki, I hope you could be close with Ms.Myoui since both of you are Japanese. You could help her in our culture" She then added when she notice me already listening to her

"Sure thing Mrs.Min, Sure thing~" I said quickly on the first few word then slowing it down on the last two. I quickly looked at Mina and she was smilling at me with her gummy teeth.

'Oh this bitch better not mess with me and my Tzuyu' I thought inside my head while smirking as I looked back from facing towards Mina.


Classes before noon were down which meant it was already lunch time. Momo picked me up outside my classroom as the bell rang. We walked toward the canteen as students get out of their classrooms. As we were walking down the hall where the canteen was at, I heard a sudden notice of two girls laughing.

As I could see from their silhouette, one was taller than other, while the other one had short hair. I slowly jogged towards the noise, but was quickly pulled by Momo at the buttom of my shirt.

"Come one Sana, I'm hunrgy~" Momo said while dragging me towards the canteen which was centimeters away from where I was.

"Your always hungry~" I yelled while slapping her hand off my uniform while following her lead after. As we sat down our table, I completely forgot about what I was looking at.

After we ate, I got a text from my phone. It was the principle telling me to come to her office.

"Momo, I need to go. My mom's calling me to come to her office" I said while standing up as I fix my hair. I grabbed my bag and started to walk out of the room.

As I finally found the corner of the hall I quickly ran towards it and as I was about to turn I heard someone talking so, I quickly hid behind the lockers as they talk. What could I say I love gossip.

"Thanks for the tour Tzutzu" A girl's voice said trying to act cute

'What the fuck?! Tzutzu?' I said to myself while making my hand into a fist

"Oh no problem, Minari"  Tzuyu as I would assume had said in a bubbly tone.

'frick this shit, a day and they already have nicknames while i'm stuck with sana after 3 years?!?!' I said inside my head while bitting my lips

"Umm, this might seem blunt but I think your really pretty and maybe we could get to know each other better" Mina said said using a cutie-shy tone

"U-uh s-ure why not" Tzuyu stuttered as I could feel her blush from a mile away.

'Move I need to kill a bitch' I thought inside my mind. As I was about to give them a piece of my mind, someone grabbed my hand and found my mom looking at me with a confused face.

"Sana, I told you to go to my office. It's been 10 minutes already. I looked all over for you" My mom said softly

"I was looking for something that's all" I said as my excuse as she let go of my hand.

"Anyway, We need to go" My mom yelled as she dragged me.

"Where are we going?" I asked her as I try to stop her from dragging me towards the other hall.

"Didn't you read my messges. We need to go back to Japan. Your grandfather is in the hospital and you need to visit him with me." She said firmly as we stopped

"Now?" I asked as I kept looking back at where Mina and Tzuyu were at.

"What do you think, Sana?" She said with a pissed tone as she started to walk towards the parking lot.

'Lucky duckling Mina is' I said inside my mind an annoyed way as I followed my mom towards the exit.

yo yo readers. thanks for doing your theng HAHAHA sorry for the lame chapter. Hope you guys still like it

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