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the day was about to end and the famous Minatozaki Sana was no where to be seen. The clocked just suddenly reached 8 in the evening and almost everyone in the cafe were already leaving.

'Ugh if Tzuyu wasn't mad at me then I wouldn't be waiting for this asshole' I thought inside my head as I groan in anger

I felt eyes on me all over again as I put my head down trying to avoid eye contact. I have been in the cafe for the pass seven hours and the staff were already glaring at me.

I haven't ordered a single item sinces the little thought inside my head knew that she would come earlier.

"huh, you really waited for me" a sudden voice suddenly spoke with a sassy tone. I instantly looked up and found Sana the great staring down on me.

"What took you so long?!" I asked in pissed tone, rolling my eyes as she sat down on the chair infront of me.

"I wanted to piss you off" Sana said while smirking.

"Instead of being mature, you decided to be the opposite" I said as I crossed my arms, raising my eyebrow. She kept silence as she held a straight face until I spoke

"--maybe this is why Tzuyu didn't pick you" I said aloud as I force out a smirk.

Her face expression suddenly change, her smirk went down as a frown started to appear. This was the moment I knew that something was wrong.

"stop bragging about it, okay? she picked you and that was final" she whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

Silence fell between us until a sudden  chuckled came from the person infront of me. I quickly looked up and found Sana swiping of the couple of tears running down her face.

"I shouldn't be like this" She said aloud, removing a tear from her cheek as she continues to chuckle.

"Yeah, you shouldn't" I suddenly said firmly as her eyes instantly went on me.

"Don't fucking get into my mess" Sana yelled in a pissed tone as the staff start to gossip on whats happening between us.

"why do you want to meet me?" She asked before I could reply to her statement. She raised both of her eyebrows trying to tell me to explain.

"Yeri" i said as I started stare into her eyes.

"what? you know stating out people's names doesn't make me already know what you're talking about" Sana said in a pissed tone as confusion started to gather up in her again.

"who the fuck is yeri?" I said bluntly, not trying to run around the bush.

"and why would I give information to a slut like you?" She said as she crossed her arms, insulting me in the process

"just answer my question" I stated trying to get into the point.

"she's no one special" Sana replied as she slouched down on the chair she was sitted on.

"yeah, sure. Saying that your girlfriend is 'no one special' makes you less of a bitch" I said in the most sacrastic tone I could give her.

"she's not my fucking girlfriend" She said in a offended tone, sitting right back up in a proper position

"that's not what Tzuyu told me" I state making her look at me with disgust.

"whatever" she then said while rolling her eyes. My anger started to boil, how could someone be so immature in a personal topic like this.

"she's a fucking mess just because of the shit you have done" I yelled out of anger as I slammed both of my hands on the table, startling Sana with the sudden action

"it's not my fault that sh--mess?" She said in a pissed tone before the words started to sink in her brain

"are you that dense, Sana?" I asked as my eyes started narrow.

"She wore that stupid black dress you gave her on her birthday, wore that pearl necklace that you put inside ber locker and curled her hair just the way you liked it" I said as I watch Sana's eyes starting to sadden with the simple words that I was saying

"She came to the same fucking restaurant that she hated. The same fucking restaurant that she felt insecure and the same fucking restaurant that she knew that she loved you too" I said as my voice started to crack

"she came all this way to confess that she loves you too"

"She came there to see you" I said in a bittersweet tone

"N-no, she wouldn't" Sana said in disbelief as she instantly avoid eye contact with me

"And It hurts, Sana" I stated making her look at me

"It's not only you who loves her"

"I love her with all of my heart, but knowing that she still doesn't want to give up on a bitch like you, hurts me" I said as tears started to come out my eyes. I held her hand making her stiffen out of the certain movement

"To be honest, I cry all night trying to convince myself that I should just move on" I stated as I finally sobbed all my feelings.

"I can't forgive myself if she won't be happy"

"Sana, I'm begging you this one last time. Please make my--your Tzuyu happy" I said while squeezing her trying to convince her on doing so

"I-i--" Sana stutter and cut off by a sudden ring tone coming from my phone. I quickly brought it out and found Chaeyoung calling me.

"hello?" I said as I finally answered the call.

"stop fucking with me, Chae" I said in a pissed tone trying to scare her in telling the truth

"are you serious?!" I asked making me grab my bag and stand up getting ready to leave

"where are you?" was the last question I asked her before I dropped the call. Sana suddenly stood up grabbing my wrist making me raise an eyebrow

"what happened?" Sana asked trying not to stutter

"Tzuyu's at the hospital"


five to go~ 😭💚
i haven't read this chapter so sorry if there are any mistakes

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