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"I'm sorry" I said to the older latter infront of me as she just sat there with her arms crossed.

"You don't need to say sorry, Ms.Tzuyu. It's not your fault" She said as a sweet tone came out of her mouth.

"No, it's my fault. I've been pushing her away ever since" I told her with conviction.

"It's okay. I'm the one that's suppose to say sorry" She said as she took sip from the coffee she just made a minute ago.

"May I ask, why?" I asked in the most kindest way I could as I continue to avoid eye contact

"Ms.Tzuyu" She said trying to get my attention as she paused her statement

"--You almost killed yourself after what she did to you" She continued convincing me that It wasn't all my fault. I stayed quiet, it was still a very sensitive topic towards me and usually tried to avoid the idea.

"Ms.Tzuyu, I know that it's been years and you would always say that you're fine but having therapy was never good to hear" She stated firmly, opening up the topic bit by bit as minutes pass by.

"H-how did y-ou know I had therapy?" I asked her out of shock. Therapy, the worse and most best thing that ever happened in my life The thought was suggested by my mother as she found out about my state. I completely disagreed with the idea but suicidal thoughts came back to me and I just had to agree before things get worse.

"I have my connections, Ms.Tzuyu" She said in a proud voice as she suddenly opened her phone and showed me a certain number on her phone which was quite familliar. It was the phone number of my therapist.

"In a serious matter, how are you?" She said as her tone came from a playful tone to a serious and bold one. She let down the certain item she was holding and created eye contact with me again.

"I-i'm--I was fine until the whole chaos" I told her as a bitter laugh came out of my mouth.

"Ms.Tzuyu, It wouldn't have happened if you just told her the truth" She told me in a cold voice as she continued to stare at me

"Crazy to think that all my friends stated the same thing" I said as a chuckle came out of her mouth. She suddenly smirked right before words started to come out of her mouth

"But I'm different. I know you'll listen to me" She stated using her finger as she points towards her chest.

"I know you trust me, Ms.Tzuyu" The latter said as a smirk appeared on her face.

"I always had, Ma'am." I said as I made a smile towards her making her notice that It was fine to continue the topic

"So, now I want you to listen" She said while getting my attetion about the certain idea.

"As someone important to her, I really want you to give her a chance" She added trying to convince me as she starts to beg putting both of her hands together

"She really likes you, Ms.Tzuyu and I wouldn't want to see in this way" The older latter said, continuing to say in a firm voice.

"I know, I know Im selfish she is dealing with the same problem that she did to you"

"But I know you to well that you wouldn't want anyone that's close to you to experience what has happened, especially to Sana"

"I'm sorry" I said avoiding her eyes. I knew deep inside me, that there's huge chance that what she is saying would be negative. I was quite dissapointed with myself that I wouldn't be able to do it but I knew it would be wrong giving someone high hopes.

"Ms.Tzuyu, It's okay. I just saying please give her a chance and I know you won't regret it" She said as she grabs both of my hands softly as she guve them a light squeeze making her smile

"Before it's too late" She added as her sweet smile turned into a slightly bitter one.

"Forgiving her is not easy, even in this state of mine. A 'sorry' was all I needed from her and it never came" I said dissapointedly as I lower my voice while my eyes started to drop

"She said sorry, Ms.Tzuyu. Believe me, she did. But the problem was it was not in words but with cetain action. As someone older than you, I know what she has been doing " She said putting her hand on my shoulder making me look up at the older latter. Silence then came between us as soon as she sat back down.

Thoughts came in my mind as her words started to make me realize some things. The idea was still debating inside my mind but sudden words came out of mouth.

"What should I do?" I asked unknowingly as I look up at her.

"As someone very close to Sana, I would say that you should forgive her" She said proudly convincing me to the fullest.

"But in a motherly way, I strongly believe that you should fight for the one that makes your heart beat" But suddenly added with another choice. She looked at me with full conviction and just smiled at me as I still had confusing thoughts.

"Just think about it, okay? Everything will be better later on, I promise" The older latter said as she picks up her bag. She stood up and gave me simple smile.

"Thank you Mrs.Minatozaki" I said to her before she started to walk towards the exit

"No problem, Ms.Tzuyu" She said started to walk towards the exit. The chim finally went off and Mrs.Minatozaki was finally gone.

"Plus we're outside school Ms.Tzuyu, call me Mom" Until a voice came from the door as the door chimed again but in a shorter matter. I smiled at her as I watch the latter walk farther and father until she was gone.

'Everything would be better later on' I said inside my head making my heart stop pounding out if nervousness.

🙈💛 sorry if I could not update as fast as before. School has finally started and probably I could only update once or twice a week. [ no pun intended ]

I really hope you guys still liked this chapter even if it completly made no sense. 😂💚

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