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"Sana! Slow down! We might as well get into the hospital"

"Sana! That was a red light!"

"Sana! You're going over the speed limit"

"Sana! You--"

"CAN YOU FUCKING SHUT UP?!" I yelled as made a quick turn to the left, finding all possible ways to a shortcut.

Mina has been yelling at me since we left the cafe and it's getting quite annoying. I only passed 3 stop lights, went over the speed limit and maybe almost crashed into a person. Nothing that serious

"CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN?! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!" Mina yelled as she started to hold on to the seatbelt as she close her eyes.

"YOU'RE OVER REACTING" I yelled back as I push on the gas. We were minutes away from the hospital and my heart started to beat fast.

"SANA!" Mina yelled as I suddenly parked the car infront of the entrance of the hospital. I left her inside the car as she started to panic on getting out before she could be locked inside.

"Ma'am you can't park this here" The guard suddenly said as he starts to follow me inside the building. I quickly looked at him as I just throw my keys at him before leaving.

"YOU PARK IT" I yelled as I ran towards the counter of the hospital. I was about to ask the nurse in the front desk on which room was Tzuyu in but a sudden voice called me as I turned around.

"what do you think you're doing here?" Nayeon then said as she crossed her arms, glaring at me.

"Nayeon, please i know i did wrong-- but let me see her" I begged Nayeon I start to kneel down infront of her. Tears started to fall down my face as I kept on begging her for me to get in her room.

"Nayeon-unnie, Tzuyu has already entered her room" An unknown voice then said as Nayeon flinched as she heard her name on my right. I looked at my right as I found Jihyo standing with her eyes wide widen.

"Don't get near Sana" Jihyo said as she held a bold face trying not feel pity on me as i start to cry even louder.

"Jihyo please" I begged as I crawled towards her. People then start to notice the current scene happening infront of the entrance as they stare with pity.

The tears continued, i couldnt stop. All the memories would just rush in and all I could think about that this is all my fault. All the choices I made, made this. My taughts were suddenly interupeted by a very familiar voice.

I looked up facing Jihyo as I found a body standing next to her. She was tall with beautiful brown hair. She had this cold face yet she looks so enchanting.

"Tzuyu" I mumbled as I made eye contact with her. The tears stopped falling knewing that she was okay. She stood tall and acted as if everything was fine.

"Sana-unnie, stand up" Tzuyu commanded me as I just stared at her. She then repeated the same words over and over again and yet the words just went through my ears. I couldnt understand a word she was saying. I was stunned. Until, she got annoyed and quickly grabbed my arm as she dragged me towards her hospital room.



"i was dead worried, Tzuyu-ah"  I then mentioned as she locked door and sat on her bed. Silence then filled the room after my voice was heard. Minutes, Seconds has passed and nothing was roaming around the room but silence.

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