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Sana: cHaEyOunG wAke tHe fUcK uP

Sana: iT's aN eMerGanCy

Sana: hOw cOulD sOmeOne bE asLeEp


Sana: iTs a SaTurDay tOmoRrow


Chaeyoung: who is this?

Sana: its your bestie sana bitch

Chaeyoung: how did you get my number???

Sana: secret~ ;)

Chaeyoung: unnie?? thats quite creepy??? im a minor pls???

Sana: ok ok i got it from the school records from mom

Chaeyoung: what? how did my number get into the school records? :'(

Sana: you join some contest and i think they needed your no. or something

Chaeyoung: ahhhh anyways, why did you text me it's already midnight

Chaeyoung: did you miss me~?

Chaeyoung: omg!! I feel loved unnie~

Sana: ugh lets go with taht or I fReaKiNg neEd yoUr hElp wIth me aNd tZuYu's dAte oN sUnDay

Chaeyoung: what?! She picked you already?!?

Chaeyoung: *le whispers* yay :D

Sana: boi i wish

Sana: we made a deal, Me and Mina gets to date her on different days since theirs no school for the 2 month break for something

Sana: i dont really care about that but I nEeD tO gIvE tHe bEst dAte tO tZuYu fOr mE tO bE tHe lUckY oNe aNd gEt HEr hEarT bIh

Sana: plus i need your help *le grins*

Chaeyoung: sure ill help you a promise is a promise

Chaeyoung: aNd cOulD yOu sToP tYpinG liKe tHiS iTs aNnoYing

Sana: Ill dO wHatEveR I wAnt kEd

Chaeyoung: Hey! IM NOT A KID YOU ARE! HMP~

Sana: ok whatever meet me in that coffee shop near school

Sana: the one that's 24 hours

Chaeyoung: little bean?? that coffee shop??

Sana: yeah yeah! that one

Chaeyoung: ok ok see ya



the next narratives are probably already about tzuyu and sana's date

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