Chapter 9

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A/N Just to clarify, Chapter 8 was ALL Lizzy's POV just for anyone who was confused! ON WITH CHAPTER 9!!!


Sirens. I just kept hearing sirens and realized I was waking up. How long was I out? God my face hurts! I slowly got up but I was too weak so I plopped back down. I finally realized I was in a hospital room. All I remember was crying in the bathroom after... Oh God. Did I miss RAW? Where's Kayla?!

KAYLA! Kayla!? Where are you? I was scared because I saw a bunch of doctors rush in.

Where is she? Where's my sister? I asked Still concerned but in pain.

Liz I'm right here. She said walking into my room. You were out for about 6 hours.

I've never seen her look so upset in her life.

How are you feeling boo? She gave me a tight hug as she sniffled a bit.

I'm doing fine I guess... *grrr* Was that my stomach?

Liz when was the last time you ate?

Yesterday? Today? I don't know but I'm not hungry.

Lizzy you need to eat. You know what happens when you don't. Please eat something.  I don't need you starving either.

Okay fine. Can you get me some fruit or something?

Yeah sure!

That's when she left and I couldn't help myself. I had to let it all out. I couldn't stop the crying. How could my own father do this to me? I wonder what went down with the cops. I just hope he's in jail for a LONG time. But I still wouldn't stop thinking about how they were talking to me and how drunk they were.

I tried looking everywhere. Damn they don't have any here!

I needed something good to cut with. I couldn't handle the pain. I needed a needle, razor, something.

That's when I got up even though I was struggling a bit and found a sharp pair of scissors. I had to do it. The slice across my wrist felt painful yet amazing. All the pain was flooding out of my wrist and a bit of it dripped on the floor but I didn't care. The tears started coming out once again but it wasn't because of the cut, it was because of all the pain I've gone through especially what happened earlier, or last night since it was 12:34 a.m. I cut some more and as I saw the streams of blood flowing along my arm, I felt the scissors get snatched from my hand, my hands getting wiped up by a towel and two strong arms pulling me in for a slightly aggressive kiss.

I don't know what could compare to this... but it felt familiar.


I was SO wiped out from RAW. I went against The Shield..AGAIN. And like usual, I beat them. Though the match was a challenge. I won by GTS-ing Seth Rollins. I don't know how I managed to win but I did. I also was very distracted during the match. I kept thinking about Lizzy. She was seriously the main thing running through my mind since the last time I saw her. I wonder how she's been even though it's only been like a day.

I just arrived home since it was in GB and I was so beat out but still wanted to talk to her.

Before I know it, my thumb is dialing her number.

It's been the 7th time I've called. Absolutely nothing. I'm actually starting to get worried so I jumped out of bed and drove to her house. When I arrived, the house was empty and got even more worried.

I called Colt to give me Kayla's number because she's one step closer to getting to know where Lizzy is.


Kayla?? Kayla! Please tell me you know where Lizzy is?? I've called her countless times and she never answered! Is she okay?

Punk, she-


Okay, PHIL. She's at the hospital.

What? WHY!?

Phil, her dad hit her. She lost a lot of blood and passed out.

Which hospital is she in?! That son of a bitch I never thought this would happen!

Phil calm down! She's at the EMS in Loyola.

Okay thank you I'll be there ASAP.

I hung up and drove way over the speed limit but who gives a shit.

I got to the EMS and immediately stormed in not even asking the check-in nurse to know which room she was. I was just going through so many rooms I felt like I was never gonna find her and then I ran into Kayla.

Oh my God you're here! Do you know which room she's in?

Yeah, she actually just woke up. She's been out for a long time but she feels a bit better she said and I'm gonna run and get her some food. She's in room 6. Please make sure she's okay.

Okay thank you so much! I was breathing so heavily I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.

I walked off to find her room but it took forever.

A couple minutes later I found her room after storming through a shit load of rooms. I looked in and I was shocked at what I saw. She couldn't be, but she was. I saw her cut her wrist a bunch of more times so I stormed in the room, snatched the scissors from her, wiped the blood off of her wrist and gave her a kiss. I wanted to show her that I cared for her and she meant everything to me even though we've only known each other for a short period of time.

I love this girl and I want her to know she's important. The kiss was hard but I knew she'd love it.

We pulled away and the first thing I said was


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