Chapter 3

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I couldn't believe who I saw in the row behind us. I think my heart literally skipped a beat. CM PUNK AND COLT CABANA. sitting in seats directly behind ours! I couldn't believe it.

K.Kay. Do you see what I'm seeing too or am I fucking going crazy?! I said shaking.

Liz.. you're not going crazy. IT'S THEM. She said almost screaming.

We stood there for what see me like forever till we finally had the guts to go to our seats... right in front of them.

As I was making my way over to my seat, I heard Punk and Colt laughing. Oh god Punk looks so fucking PERFECT. Spiked hair with his sexy WOLVERINE look and Keith jersey and jeans. His usual hockey outfit.

I have NO idea why but I was so terrified to even say the simple Hi! You're CM Punk! I'm a big fan, can I have a picture with you?.  Punk looked up at us looking for our seats and as i looked up, We locked eyes for a little while. He gave me a small smile, one where you could see his dimple which was adorable as i looked away quickly hiding my stipud smile.

I just sat in my seat still shocked that the Best In The World and Colt Cabana were sitting right behind us and also the fact that the man I was always in love with smiled at me.


We're still 0-0 against the Red Wings and I never thought how much sexier the Blackhawks were in person. Dayum who wouldn't want to have one night with them.

Anyways... as I was putting my drink down, I look back up to Kane and Toews making thwir way towards the goal. Tazer gives an amazing pass to Kaner and he SCORED!!!!

The arena goes CRAZY and I swear I have never screamed so loud in my life! We sing CHELSEA DAGGER with thousands of other Hawks fans and it's one of the greatest feelings in the world!

The game continues and we had pretty shitty refs for the game. They kept giving the Wings powerplays for most of the rest of the game. We killed them and were still 1-0 thanks to Kaner! Meanwhile, I thought I felt someone poke my back as I was enjoying the game. I ignored it but got poked a little harder and turned to see a smiling Colt. What a cutie.

Hey umm.. Excuse me? Your phone fell. Haha. He chuckled as he handed me my phone with a CM Punk case on the back and I notice Punk eye it a little bit.

I felt like I was burning red and sweating like a pig.

Oh uh thanks Colt! I said as I kind of snatched it hopeful that he didn't notice my phone case and the fact that I called him Colt.

You're a fan of us huh? He said as I was gonna turn back to the game.

Y-y-yeaaahh. I said with a big smile forming ear to ear. Umm about that. I was going to ask you guys earlier but I was so scared. We wanted to ask for a picture with both of you guys. That's when Kay finally turned around.

Yeah we're real big crazy fans! We kust didn't wanna look like crazy stupid fangirls in front of yoy guys and scare you away. She said and we all laughed and I caught punk staring at me a little longer this time and I felt myself turning bright red.

He gave me that sexy smirk and I felt shivers go down my spine.

Umm well can we do it after the game.. if you guys don't mind? I smiled a little.

Yeah that's good we can wait. Punk finally spoke as he looked at me.

Great! Kay and i said at the same time.

We turned back to the game and the clock was at 10 seconds left for the third intermission.

Oh shit Kay I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!

Okay Hurry back!

I left and came back a few moments later trying to hurry as I bumped into someone hard.

Oh jeez I'm sorry! I finally looked up to a man with a sexy Wolverine look.
No you're good. And hey you're the one that's sitting in front of us right? I was just heading back to the seats. By the way, I'm Phil. Or Punk whatever you wanna call me since you probably already know. He says and smiles big again as we start heading back.

I chuckle a bit Haha yeah that's me! Um I guess Punk will work for now. You enjoying the game? I think my voice is almost gone from screaming to much. I said blushing.

Yeah it's great and I heard you screaming. I think the entire UC did. He got a bit closer this time. You're loud Sweetheart. I like that in a girl. By the way, what's a pretty girl like you doing here with her best friend alone? Don't you have a man waiting and crying for you at home? I can tell he was getting really flirty. I thought it was wierd at first but I actually like it.

Umm well.. no I just got out of a breakup so I wanted to do a single ladies night I guess you can say, watching the hawks. And hey don't you have your precious AJ waiting for you at home? Thought she'd be here too? We both laughed a little.

Well actually I broke up with her. She was so goddamn controlling and she cheated on my again with this guy named Jay or some shit. But I'm now a happy single man. He didn't look uncomfortable at all talking about the breakup. On the outside I looked at him sympathetically. But on the inside I was doing backflips!

We finally got to our section and noticed Colt when down to my seat and I can tell him and Kat were flirting. Well someone stole my seat. Great, Colt. I said sarcastically.

You can sit next to me if not we can always r tell colt to switch. He said.

No I'll sit with you it's okay. I was turning red again as he offered me to go first ti our seats. He's such a sweetheart and a gentleman.

I love him so much. What if we hit it off!? I mean we're both single right!?

LOVED DOING THIS CHAPTER! Sorry for the long wait! Maybe I'll post the next one tonight! #TeamPunk ♥

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