#1 Meeting 🌹

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„Mom, do we really have to move away? I have my friends here." Chaeyoung said to her mom with tears in eyes.

„I'm sorry dear, but yes, your dad has been promoted, so we have to move there, but don't worry, it will be fun, your grandparents live there as well." Chae's mom answered with smile.

Little Chaeyoung cried all the way to Korea. She was only 10 years old and she had to leave her friends, school and everything that she knew. When they arrived at the airport, she was welcomed by her grandparents. Chae always loved her grandma and grandpa, but she lived in Australia before, so they couldn't meet so often. Chae saw them only on Christmas or her birthday. She was happy that now they can be together more.

When they got to their new house, she couldn't help but smile. The house was so pretty, it had big garden with swing and swimming pool. As her mom opened the entrance door, she ran to second floor and took her new room. Chae's dad was now vice president of one of the big companies in Seoul and her mom found a job in clothing store.

The weekend was over, and that means school. Chae was quite nervous and shy, everything was new for her now. Australian schools are different from those in Korea, so it can be difficult to get used to. Her new teacher seemed like a good woman.

„Everybody, this is Park Chaeyoung, she moved here from Australia and starting today, she will be your new classmate, be kind to her." Said Mrs. Kim and pointed at the Chae's new seat.

Chaeyoung sat in the back of the class next to a window. The first lesson was math, but Chae was pretty smart for a kid her age and never had any problems with the school. On her right side sat a little blonde girl with bangs. 

The girl waved at her with a smile on her face and said„Hello, I'm Lalisa but everybody call sme Lisa, do you wanna be friends?"

Chaeyoung chuckled „I'd like to, I'm Chaeyoung, but my Australian name is Roseanne, so you can call me Rosé if you want to." Lisa nodded

„Nice to meet you Rosé"

„Nice to meet you too Lisa"

When the class was over, some kids went to Rosé and introduced themselves. „Hey, my name is Jackson, do you like it here?" Said a brown haired boy and gave his hand to Chaeyoung for a handshake.

„Hello, I'm Seulgi and by the way, if you lived in Australia, does that means that you can speak english?" Seugi asked with wonder.

„Yes, everything is pretty new, but I like it and of course I can speak english." Said Rosé with smile on her lips and shook Jackson's hand.

„Hi, I'm Jennie and this is Jisoo, do you wanna hang out with us after school? We can show you the best places here." Asked the girl named Jennie with a gummy smile.

„Sure, I'd love to, but can Lisa go with us?" replied Rosé as she looked at Lisa. Lisa's smile widened and Jisoo with Jennie nodded.

After school Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa and Chaeyoung went to Jennie's favorite sweet-shop. The girls showed everything to Rosé and after some time they became the best of friends. Lisa lived in the house across from Chae's and the other two girls lived in a neighbouring street. Rosé found out that Lisa came from Thailand 2 years ago, because Lisa's dad died in a car accident and her mom wanted to start a new life.

After they finished elementary school, all of them went to the same high school. The high school wasn't so nearby, so they had to travel by bus or by car. Jisoo got a driving licence and drove the other girls to their shool.

(Now is Lisa 17y.o, Rosé 17, Jennie 18 and Jisoo 19)

„Lisaa, hurry up, we're being late!"  Rosé shouted from the entrance of Lisa's house.

„I'm coming, sorry, I didn't hear  my alarm."  Yelled Lisa from her room and ran to Chae. When all of them were in Jisoo's car, Jisoo started the engine and drove to school.

„Today starts our last year at high school." Said Jennie with excitement. „Yeah, we have to enjoy it, right Chae?" replied smiling Lisa.

„Of course, but remember, today is the party at my house and all of you have to come, or else I 'll be mad at you."

„Don't worry Chae, gonna be there for sure." Said Jisoo as they arrived at a parking lot.

„I hope that we are in the same class, I don't wanna be alone like last year." Whined Lisa as leaned on Rosé's arm.

„Don't worry Lisa, I have good feeling about this, maybe.." annouced Chaeyoung and Jisoo with Jennie giggled.

„Let's just go and find out for yourself." Jennie said and ran inside the school.

When everybody got their schedules, all of them were happy.

„Thank god, I'm in the same class with you Lisa" smiled Chae and hugged the younger one.

„Yeah, same here, I'm with Jisoo, now let's go to our classes." annouced Jennie while holding onto Jisoo's hand and ran away.

„So.... Let's go Chae." Lisa took Rosé's wrist and pulled her into their classroom.

In the class, Rosé sat down in the back of the class next to a window and Lisa next to her like at elementary school. About 2 minutes later, the teacher came to class and their last year of high school began.

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