#2 Party 🌹

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First day at school went pretty normal, nothing interesting really happened. At the end of their last lesson everybody got some team a project. Of course, Lisa was with Rosé. Their task was about Jane Austen. They had to create a presentation about her or something like that.

"Rosé, wanna come to my place after school? We can do our presentation."

Asked Lisa as ahe was putting her things to her bag.

"Sure, but we have only 3 hours for it, today is the party, remember?" Answered Chae and checked her phone.

"Chill, it's a piece of cake, by the way how many people will be at your party?"

"I invited about 30, someone is from our elementary school and others just people I know." Said Rosé and went to her locker.

Lisa and Rosé had to go home by bus today, because Jensoo had other things to do. When they arrived at Lisa's home, nobody was there.

"Where is your mom Lisa, she should be home today, right?" Asked confused Chaeyoung as she dropped her bag to the floor.

"I don't know, maybe she went shopping  or something?" Replied Lisa and went to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna eat something? I can prepare some sandwiches or some leftover kimchi from yesterday."

"Wait Lisa, I'mma help you with that." Announced Rosé and followed to the kitchen as well. After a few minutes, they sat on a couch in the living room and watched TV while eating their sandwiches.

"We should start now, I'm gonna get my laptop, wait here for a while." Smiled Lisa as she headed upstairs to her room. Meanwhile Chae got a message from one of her friends, Irene.

Irene: Hi Rosé, Is it ok if I take my friend with me to your party today?

Pasta: Yeah, the more the merrier.

Irene: ok, thx ♥

Pasta: ♥

"I'm here, so let's start now." Annouced Lisa and placed her laptop on the table.

After their presentation was done, Rosé headed home. She had to prepare some things for the party. Her parents weren't home for the whole month, because her father got some task in China and her mother went with him.

She bought some alcohol with junk food and placed it on the kitchen counter. Rosé took a shower, did her make-up and dressed herself. It was about time for the party and Jennie was the first to come.

"Hey doll, you look awesome in that!" Said Jennie with her typical gummy smile on her lips.

"Thanks, you look beautiful too Jennie." Replied Rosé as they hugged each other.

"Jisoo didn't come yet? I thought she would be already here." The older girl asked with  a confused look on her face.

"Nope, but Jisoo said that she would come, so she should be here soon " Replied the latter.

After some time other people including Jisoo came, but Lisa wasn't here yet.

"She should be here now, where are you Lisa?" thought Rosé while drinking her glass of rosé wine.

"Hey Chae!" Greeted Irene and hugged her from behind.

"Hello, I missed you, how have you been? We didn't see each other for ages!" Smiled Chae and returned the hug.

Don't leave me ; Chaelisa 🌹Where stories live. Discover now