#6 Move on 🌹

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After Lisa got home she took a long shower. She was thinking if she should call Chae or meet her in person. Her mom was probably shopping, cause her car wasn't in driveway and her shopping bag was gone. Lisa made a decision. She wore denim shorts, black graphic t-shirt, a visionair cap and nizza sneakers. After she dressed herself she took her phone and went to Chae's house.

Lisa knocked on the front door a few times and waited. Rosé immediately opened, her eyes widening. The brunet wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck tightly. Lisa was surprised, but hugged back. After a while Chae broke the hug and stared at Lisa with furrowed eyebrows.

"Lalisa Manoban! Where were you yesterday?! Do you even know how much I was worried?! You were with someone you don't know and somewhere you don't know!"

Lisa knew it would come. Angry Chae is a scary Chae.

"Can I go inside?" Asked Lisa and grabbed Chae's hand as she pulled her into the house.

They went to Rosé's room and sat down on the bed. The brunet was looking at Lisa with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows.

"So, you should explain!"

Lisa sighed before she spoke. "Okay, I wasn't in good mood yesterday and didn't know what to do. I just went somewhere and found the club. I met a new friend there. Her name is Momo and we had a fun. I slept in her house after the party, she was taking care of me."

Chaeyoung's expression softened a bit, bud she asked another question.

"And what did you mean by 'It was because of you?' I'm sorry if I did something wrong."

Lisa looked in Rosé's eyes and took her hand in her own.

"You didn't do anything wrong Rosie, It's all me. Don't worry Chae, I just have to move on. I will be fine." Lisa needed to know only one thing. She took in a deep breath and asked an important question for her. "Chaeyoung, do you like Jungkook?"

Rosé was taken aback, she nodded though. The brunet looked guilty, cause she felt like that.

"I knew it." Said Lisa with sad smile on her lips. "I just hope, that he will treat you right. If he does something to you, just tell me. I will be always here for you. I want you to promise me and remember that."

Tears fell down Chae's cheeks. She hugged Lisa so tight that the blonde couldn't even breathe.

"I love you so much Lalisa, but I'm sorry. What did I do to deserve you? I hope that you will find someone better than me, because you deserve it!"

They sat there for a while chatting with each other until Jisoo called Lisa.

"Hey Limario, do you have time?"

Lisa looked at Chae and the brunet nodded.

"Ehm, sure. What's up?" answered Lisa.

"I need you to ask you something. Meet me in my house." After she said that, Jisoo hang up.

Rosé pulled Lisa up from her bed and accompanied her to the front door.

"I should go, I'm curious of Jisoo's question." Said Lisa with an interested look on her face. Then her face reddened a bit and she looked nervous as she played with her fingers.

"Rosie?" She asked, eyes looking on the ground.

"Yes Lisa?"

"Can I have one wish please?"

Don't leave me ; Chaelisa 🌹Where stories live. Discover now