#14 Lazy Day 🌹

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When the morning came, Lisa woke up with Rosie cuddled into her side cutely. The girl could only smile and kiss the latter's cheek carefully to not wake her. She still couldn't believe that Lisa did it, she made Chaeyoung fall in love with her and start to going out with her, which made the Thai girl really happy and also proud of herself. A few moments later, the other girl started wake up as well and was welcomed with a loving eyes of her new and only beloved girlfriend.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Chae rubbed her eyes slightly and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, and the best part of it was waking up with you beside me."

Chuckling, Lisa gave her girl a proper kiss on the lips before suggesting to go and make breakfast for the both of them, which was accepted with a sweet smile and growling in Chaeyoung's tummy.

Rosé started to change her clothes to more presentable ones, before she checked her phone and was a new message from her ex-boyfriend.

Jungkook: You can live your fucking lesbian dream now. Bye.

Furrowing her eyebrows in a slight anger, Chaeyoung deleted the message along with Jungkook's mobile number and went downstairs to Lisa.

"Here you are, sit down and let's eat this breakfast I just made." Said Lisa happily and placed two bowls with milk and cereal on the table.

"Wow, that a wonderful cooking skill Manoban." Laughed Chaeyoung and started eating slowly, enjoying their time together as a couples do in the mornings.

"When are your parents coming back? I thought that it was this weekend." Asked Lisa with a full mouth.

"Actually, they are coming tomorrow. I'm glad to see them again, my mom's gonna cook for me again."

"Are you saying that I can't cook?" Asked Lisa in fake disbelieve, with hands on her chest.

"I never said that."

Both of the girls spend the whole morning watching movies in bed cuddling or fighting for the last chip in a package.

Jisoo was in her house, together with Jennie doing the very similar things as the maknae did.

"Do you thing that they would be together now? Because I had a dream about our future Jendeuk."

"Oh really? And what was so amazing in that dream of yours?" Asked Jennie, lying on Jisoo's chest, still watching the movie.

The older sat up, much to Jennie's discomfort and started doing moves with her hands, "You were here, preparing food which was eaten by Chaeyoung and I was trying to fish, but Lisa always scared the fish away by throwing rocks into the lake. That made me angry, so I pushed her from a mole. Rosé then ran to me and did the same to me, what I did to Lisa. While me and Lisa were splashing water on each other, you finished our dinner. But do you know what happened?"

"No, what happened after your water fight and me making us a dinner?"

"The dinner was burnt because you didn't pay any attention on making us a dinner and only watched this K-drama, which name I can't remember."

Jennie only smiled at the dorkiness of her girl and seated Jisoo back on the bed, so she was lying again, "And how did you manage to predict from this dream, that the girls are a couple now?"

"I don't know, I just feel like it."

"Should I call Lisa to ask her?"

"Yes, you definitely should. And if am I right, will you teach me how to cook?"

"Okay Jisoo, I will teach you how to cook, it will be hard though..."

Jennie then picked up her phone and dialled Lisa's number, "Hey Lisa, this might sound weird, but are you and Chaeyoung together now? It's just that Jisoo had a dream you know, but it didn't make sense to me at all."

"Oh, hello Jennie-unnie, what dream?"

"Wait, Cheyoung? Where is Lisa?"

"She went on a toilet, but Jisoo-unnie is right. We are together now."

Jennie's eyes widened with excitement, "What the actual fuck! Jisoo! you were right about them! I'm so proud for you two, bye and say hello to Lisa for me."

Before the call ended Jisoo yelled, "Use protection!"

Rosé's cheeks turned pinkish red after what she heard from her unnie and looked on her lap. "It's too soon for that, calm down Park Chaeyoung!"

"I'm back and – whoa why are you so red Rosie? Did you do some pervert stuff while I was peeing?" Said Lisa, grinning like a kid.

"Wha- NO! I would never did things like that!" Argued Chae back.

Lisa just went to sit on the bed and looked into Chae's eyes closely. Rosé tilted her head in confusion, but felt something weird and also pleasant. Lisa was gripping her boobs.

"YAH! Lalisa! What are you doing you horny pervert!" Yelled the older girls and smacked Lisa's hands away.

Lisa just started laughing uncontrollably and tried to pepper kisses all over Chae's face, but Rosé tried to fight back.

The day went by pretty quickly and Lisa had to leave home. Girls were in front of Chaeyoung's doors and when the older wanted to close the door, Lisa puckered her lips playfully, "Didn't you forget something?"

So Rosie kissed Lisa and then pushed her out of her house and closed the door behind her. Lisa smiled and went to her house. Before she entered though, she checked their mail-box and opened a letter, which was addressed to her.

"You think that you're gonna live like this? You should prepare for me. I will make you remember what you did. It isn't over now."

Lisa just stared at the letter and suddenly she knew who wrote this.

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