#10 What Is Love? 🌹

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Jisoo was lying in her bed, playing on her phone all day. Lisa wasn't talking to Chae for the rest of the week, because of Jungkook. She knew that Lisa was probably mad or even sad at Chaeyoung. What would Jisoo do if Jennie would be dating someone? She can't even imagine that. As the girl said, she would confess her feeling for Jennie if she passed the test and she did. Now was the biggest part of it – the confession. Jisoo should take Jennie on a nice date and after some happy moments together express her feelings.

After a while Jisoo's dad called her to the kitchen for lunch, so she got up from her beloved bed and went downstairs, still in her pyjamas.

"Jisoo-yah! You are still in your nightwear? It's noon already." Complained Jisoo's dad as he was preparing the table.

"And you wonder? Today is doing-nothing day." Answered the girl and sat down on the chair.

"Calm down you two. Honey, sit down so you can eat and Jisoo, after we eat, you should go outside, get some air."  Stated Jisoo's mom as she was serving their food.

"So you are saying that we don't have air here? How can I breath then? Why should I go outside for it?"

"I will call Jennie, so you can hang out together."  Said mom.

"Jennie can't. She has to do something with her parents today until afternoon."  Whined Jisoo, taking bite of her kimbap.

"So how about Lisa?" Asked her Jisoo's dad.

Jisoo looked at him, smiling and nodding.

"Sure, I forgot about her."

"How can you forget? You shouldn't say that to her"  Laughed mom and nearly choked on her own food. Jisoo laughed as well as she patted her mom's back.

After they finished eating, Jisoo went to her room and sent Lisa a text.

Chichu: Limario, do u have time now?

Nalalisa: Yep, you wanna hang out?

Chichu: Yeah, so come to my house and then we will do something.

Jisoo then put down her phone and went to take a shower. She also changed herself to more presentable clothes and thought about Jennie as she waited for the younger Thai girl. Lisa came almost immediately, she greeted Jisoo's parents and headed to the girl's room.

"Hey Jichu, how are ya?" Yelled Lisa as she jumped on Jisoo, throwing her arms around the older one for a hug.

"I'm fine, you wanna have an ice cream with me?"

"Of course, my choco mate!"

Jisoo just laughed at this dork and grabbed her things.

They walked to the near sweet shop, chatting about random stuff.

"Jisoo-yah, what should I do about Chaeyoung?" Asked Lisa out of the blue.

The latter looked at her for a moment before she spoke, "I think you should try to act like you always did."

Lisa only nodded lightly, corners of her lips forming a little smile, "You are right... I'm gonna try it."

Jisoo gave her smile too, patting the other girl's head playfully.

"But Unnie, what will you do about Jennie Unnie?" Asked Lisa, smirking.

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