#11 New Couple 🌹

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Next morning Jisoo woke up with Jennie cuddled into her neck, still sleeping peacefully. Jisoo just smiled and kissed the other's forehead.

"Mmm" Mumbled Jennie as she opened her eyes slowly. She saw the face of her new beloved girlfriend. Jisoo was watching her, sweet smile showing on her lips.

"Good morning Jendeuk, did you sleep well?"

"It was the best night of my life." Grinned Jennie as she climbed on Jisoo and gave her very passionate kiss on her lips.

Lisa's morning was like every other mornings, she woke up, brushed her teeth and ate breakfast. She didn't has to go to school, because she had to do some things. At first she went to her doctor for a check-up, then for quick shopping and she ended up in hairdressing salon. When she opened the salon's door once known face was in front of her. It was her friend Irene.

"Hey! How's my Irene? Have you sleep well? Have you eat well?" Asked Lisa before she hugged the latter, nearly crushing her.

"Hands off, you will destroy my beauty you know?" Laughed Irene as she was trying to push the other girl away.

"It's already destroyed..."

"What did you just say?! Take it back you punk!" Shouted Irene and slapped Lisa's arm lightly.

"So, why are you here? You came only for a chat or you want a new hair?"

Lisa smiled and sat on a couch, "Both!"

"Okay, you wanna cut or new colour?" Asked Irene as she was preparing her stuff.

"New colour, light brown please and you can cut the edges."

"You needed a change, you have these blonde hair for a long time. And how are you?"

"I'm good, mom is good and everybody is good, don't worry. What about you? Something new or interesting in your old life?" Asked Lisa, looking at Irene in the mirror.

"Nothing much, only Seulgi has a new job and I'm not old..." Glared Irene as she was brushing the younger's hair.

"That's the most interesting information ever." Laughed Lisa and continued her friendly talk with Irene until her new hair were done.

After a few hours Irene finished her work on Lisa and smirked proudly. "You look good even if it's you. I'm very good in this hair thing."

"That's the only thing in which you are better than me." Smirked Lisa as well and stood up. Her hair were slightly brown and looked healthier. They talked with the older girl for a few more minutes until Lisa said goodbyes and went home.

Lalisa called Jisoo if she wanted to play some games with her and Jisoo agreed immediately. Lisa changed herself into more comfy clothes and made some popcorn. After a while Jisoo came along with Jennie.

"Hey Lis, how are ya?" Asked Jennie, looking all happy.

"Wassup wassup man!" Greeted Jisoo, looking all happy as well.

"Hey bitches, what happened? You seems be different today"

"We? You look totally different Lisa! Look at your hair, they are so nice." Said Jennie and then looked at Jisoo with a small smile.

Jisoo blushed slightly and intertwined her fingers with Jennie's. "We are going out."

Lisa just stood there for a few seconds until reality hit her. She started laughing and hugged both of the other girls. "Niceee! I knew that you loved each other! It was so clear! I'm so happy for you!"

Don't leave me ; Chaelisa 🌹Where stories live. Discover now