Falling Hard || Ch.3

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You guys end up sleeping till 7am, then out of no where you realize that you and Zach were cuddling. You were going to pull away but liked the company. Then again, you guessed it, you were deep in your thoughts.

*Your thoughts* I can't believe I'm fine with this. What if I do really have feelings for Zach? He probably doesn't even like me that way. 18 years of this friendship and I never noticed that I liked him. Maybe I was too afraid to admit it. I want to tell Zach how I feel so I can get it off my chest, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. You know what? Fuck it. I'm telling him. I'm not hanging out with him for the rest of my life if I'm keeping a secret from him. It's not worth it. Now is not the time to be a pussy Y/N. You're literally going to college. Don't act like an 11 year old. That's stupid. *Snapped out of thoughts*

Z: "Good morning Y/N."

*Your thoughts* God I love that raspy morning voice. Wait. OH MY GOD. HOW DID I NOT FUCKING NOTICE. HE WAS SHIRTLESS THE ENTIRE TIME. I FEEL SO STUPID *End of thoughts*

Y/N: "Mood Gorning sleepy head."

Z: "You're so weird. I now see why we're best friends."

Y/N: "Me too. I don't know how I got stuck with you. I was just lucky."

You guys both laughed. You never realized how much Zach meant to you until now. 

*Zach's P.O.V* I can't believe I haven't told her yet. I love her so much words can't describe. I like her more than a friend. Shocker. Why haven't I told her yet? Oh wait. I know why. You're just a pussy. *End of Zach's P.O.V*

You guys got back on the road for LA. Zach decided to drive the entire time because he didn't want to worry about you driving again. Once you guys reached LA, you were ready to start off new, including Zach. He seemed as happy as ever. You guys rented out an apartment near the campus. You didn't want to dorm with somebody else because you didn't know who you could trust here. You felt MUCH safer with Zach. You were going to start college in a month. You guys decided it was best if you got to know LA better before starting school. Once you reached the apartment, it looked a lot nicer than you thought. The only down side about the apartment is that it's only 1 bed and 1 bath. That meant you guys had to share, but you weren't complaining.

*At the apartment*

Y/N: "I can't believe we're gonna be living with each other."

Z: "Me too. It seems like a dream come true. I can't believe I get to spend even more time with you."

Y/N: "I know, isn't that sad?"

Zach ended up giggling at your joke. You still don't know when you were gonna tell him about your feelings but you knew it was going to be soon. Then you guys hear someone at the door.

Y/N: "Who the fuck would be here at 4 in the morning?"

Z: "I don't know honestly."

Zach goes up to the door and you see...


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