School? Never Heard Of Her || Ch.10

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You guys then went inside and told the boys you were leaving. They didn't want you to go yet, but you guys were sleepy and tired. Once you reached home, you and Zach cuddled, as always. You 2 were having deep conversations about life and where it might take you. You never realized but maybe you didn't want to go to college. You wanted to live your life as a singer, but where would you start?

*Your P.O.V* I'm not sure about college anymore. I want to be a singer, but... I just don't know. Maybe I should talk to Zach about this. Wait. MAYBE WE COULD DROP OUT OF COLLEGE AND LIVE OUR DREAMS TOGETHER. I need to tell Zach right now.

Y/N: "Hey Zach, I really need to talk to you about something."

Z: "Is this about tour because I got it all handled baby."

Baby. I blushed a lil bit, not gonna lie.

Y/N: "Well actually, it's about college. I think we should drop out."

Z: "You're dropping out of college before it even starts? That's a big mood."

I laughed because who wouldn't. He's precious.

Y/N: "I'm saying WE should dropout. I'm not gonna be the only one."

Z: "Why tho?"

Y/N: "I mean, you have this career with your music and the boys, you're going on tour, I'm coming with you, it seems like too much. What happens if you guys blow up? You're not going to be able to step inside a building without hundreds of girls screaming. Let's be honest here."

Z: "Maybe you're right. I still think we should college a chance tho. If it doesn't work out, we drop."

Y/N: "Fine. It's just... I kinda want to be a singer too. I remember when you and I would sing and play songs together back at home. You would play your drums and I would play the piano. I miss those days."

Z: "Well guess what? We now get to live our lives singing and playing music. It'll be like the good ol' days except better."

Y/N: "Okayyy. I really don't want to go to college tho. I feel like there's gonna be so many fake people. I mean, the did just get out of high school."

Z: "There could be but just try to block them out. We don't need anymore irrelevant people in our lives."

Y/N: "Your right. All those lil motherfuckers can skrt skrt there way out the door. I mean, the exit's right there."

Zach actually laughed at what I said. I'm gonna be real here. I've always thought I was insecure. I saw myself as a person who wasn't funny, gorgeous, or smart, but Zach made me feel all those things. He made me feel myself feel as if I was perfect, but nobody is, except for Zach. He's an absolute angel. I just don't know how I deserved him.

Z: "Come one babe, let's go to sleep. I'm tired."

He sounded like a baby, how precious.

Y/N: "Okay."

Zach and I fell asleep with the helpful company of each other. He made me feel safe, that's one of the reasons why I don't want to go to college. Zach won't be with me all of the time. I need someone to protect me. I've had this feeling inside of me for soooo long. I don't want to get hurt like my mom did. *End of your P.O.V*

*Flashback 13 Years Ago*

Y/M/N (Your mom's name): "STOP. PLEASE DON"T HURT MY CHILD."


You were crying in the corner.




The man had beaten up your mom. She did it to protect you. She couldn't see her child get hurt, especially when you're only 5. From that day forward, your mom acted like it never happened. She was always happy around you because she knew that it was all worth it, she was able to see her little baby girl again. All of this is the reason why you feel unsafe sometimes. When you got older, you realized Zach was always there for you, and he still is. 

*Back To Present*

Z: "Hey baby why are you crying?"

Y/N: "I'm crying?"

*Your P.O.V* I can't believe I was crying and didn't notice. I guess that memory does still haunt me.

Z: "Yeah you are crying. What is it? Is it something that I did?"

Y/N: "No."

I gave him that look. He instantly knew what I was talking about. He pulled me into a huge ass hug. I fell asleep into arms later on. I'm just gonna say I had VERY peaceful dreams that night. I knew he could always make it better.


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