Let's Get This Show On The Road || Ch.9

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 Out of no where, the boys' get a call from their manager.

Manager: "I have news for you guys!

All The boys: "Really, what is it?"

Manager: "You guys are going on tour!"

*Your P.O.V* I can't believe they're going on tour. I thought Zach said they haven't made any music yet? Wait a minute. What about college?

Y/N: "Hey Zach?"

Z: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "I need to talk to you in private."

Z: "Hey guys, Y/N and I are gonna go out back."

All the boys: "Sure."

Zach and I walk out of the house. We sit on one of the rocks in the back, and eventually, I begin to talk.

Y/N: "Zach.."

Z: "Yes?"

Y/N: "You're going on tour..."

Z: "Yes I am."

Y/N: "And we have college. How long are you gonna be gone for?"

Z: "I mean tour starts in October. We'll be gone for a month"

Y/N: "I also thought you and the boys didn't release music yet."

Z: "I recorded stuff with them a while back. We decided to put it out 5 days ago, before we left for LA. I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to surprise you with our music. I'm sorry"

Y/N: "It's okay, but maybe next time you could tell me in advanced because I was losing it."

We both laughed and then Zach said he had something to tell me. I thought he stopped hiding things from me.

Z: "So I talked to my manager and because I know you love music as much as I do, I convinced him to let you go on tour with us!"


Z: "That means we don't have to be separated for so long."

Y/N: "I love you Zach. I don't think you know how much tho."

Z: "Of course I do."

Y/N: "Really?"

Z: "Yeah."

Y/N: "No you don't."

Z: "Fine, then show me how much you love me."

I gave him my all. We were kissing a lil bit then out of no where, BOOM. Makeout session. It only lasted for 3 minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. We then pulled away and just smiled at each other. There's no way of describing how happy this boy makes me. *End of your P.O.V*

You guys then went inside and told the boys you were leaving. They didn't want you to go yet, but you guys were sleepy and tired. Once you reached home, you and Zach cuddled, as always. You 2 were having deep conversations about life and where it might take you. You never realized but maybe...


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