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Unknown: Hey Teresa can you help me with my science fair project after school?
Sent at 2:00 AM

I don't know who the bloody hell Teresa is but nice to meet you

Who are you?

Names Newt what's yours?


Nice to meet you Thomas

Nice to meet you?

Why the bloody hell are you texting at 2:00 Am!?

Because science fair project is due in 2 days

Oh Klunk are you in elementary I didn't mean to say ''Hell'' my bad

Elementary? Klunk? First of all I'm not in elementary I'm in high school and Klunk? What is that?

Klunk is part of an slang my high school goes by because pretty much the school bans cussing

Why would you think I'm in elementary?

Science fair? Reminds me of Elementary doesn't it? What are you doing a volcano?

Wow you're rude science is actually for smart people

So I'm guessing you're referring to yourself as ''smart people'' aren't you?

Yes I am one of the smart people because I'm in a high educational school called WCKD High

Yeah I've heard of it

Yeah it's a great school it's for well higher educated people no offense

Don't worry no offense taken I'm glad I'm not there

Again rude and why not it's higher then whatever school you're at

So at least it's not secretive and twisted as your school


Yeah I think you might want to rethink you calling yourself one of those ''smart people''

Tell me?
What do you mean by twisted?

Newt is Offline

2:00 AMWhere stories live. Discover now