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Teresa I'm sorry for the last time!

Hello and AGAIN it's newt
Sorry to disappoint

Sorry Newt
And I'll never be disappointed to see a text message from you.


Sorry that was awkward. Umm..

Are you and Teresa fighting?

Yeah it's stupid

Girls are so complicated

Especially fangirls

I know right

And  I think more confusing

Anyways what is Teresa bloody doing to you?

I accidentally got her in trouble and she now has 2 weeks of detention along with me (:

Two weeks? For what? Looking off an answer key? 😂

She was telling me to stop
And when she tried to grab the paper to stop me from cheating the teacher caught us.

Oh wow

I tried to explain to him it was my fault I was the one who was cheating but of course teachers don't believe me😩

Teresa shouldn't be mad at you.
She should never have been mad at you.

Thanks Newt
Now she's ignoring my messages

Doesn't she live with you?

Yeah but she locked her door and  my dad is not home to stop this drama.

That sucks
Let me talk some sense into this girl

You mean not violent right?

What do you think talk means?

I'll give you her number

Sounds fantastic


Thanks tommy

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