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He say do you love me?
I tell him only partly
I only love my bed and mama I'm sorry (:

No no no

You don't like drake!?  O.O

I like in my blood by Shawn Mendes

Newtie is a softie!
I'll be darned

Never say that again

It's everyday bro with the Disney channel

S T OP I'm losing the will to live

Yeah I don't like them either I am just bored so .

Let's play a game (:

Ok creepy dude

You are the definition of cringe

So mean ):

How old are you?

Old enough to be you're daddy (;


I'm 17 years old (:

Same here (:

Do you have any siblings!?

Yes her name is Sonya

I'm a only child ): I'm lonely

You have me (:

Well Teresa is basically like my sister but we did kiss once


You know what I mean it was when we were in 5th grade and we wanted to be cool.

Kiss me if you want to be cool (;

You are not cool at all you are mean



What do you have for lunch at WCKD!?

Umm... Usually we have steak & vegetables it's delicious
What do you have at your school? Glade high

Bloody hell you spoiled kids have it good we have like stew it's kind of disgusting but the bacon is like heaven

Yeah i heard it tasted better then the steak here at wicked which is impossible like how is bacon that good!?

My friend frypan work in the school kitchen he makes the bacon he usually saves me some it's delicious

Part of any activities at you're school? Like Soccer, Football, Painting, and other

No but I do help the school's garden it's an distraction you know away from all the craziness

What craziness?

Just you know Life is crazy


I have to go but I'll talk to you later alright?

See ya Newt

See ya Tommy

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