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I lost D:

But honestly you did quite better then all the other guys who raced against Minho.

Thanks Newt (:

You were fast and I bet you would've win if Minho didn't have his beauty sleep

Are we going to shake each other hands now?

Oh Tommy
That's what you say when I'm actually complimenting you.

What I just want to say something to you and actually see you like up close face-to-face

Yeah I'm coming

Newt's P.O.V.
I walked over to Minho. ''Can I shake some of the guys hands? Please'' I asked ''Are you gay now?'' Minho asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. ''What no I just want to shake the guy's hand who you just raced against'' i said Minho looked at me suspiciously but let me.

I walked over to Thomas who was chatting with Ben then Thomas shook Ben's hand and Ben left Thomas. Thomas eyes finally met mine his soft brown eyes staring into mine. 

We each didn't know what to say.

''Hello 2:00 am person'' I said grinning.

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