Chapter 2

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Jamie's POV

It's already 6:30 in the morning and I was just finish putting on my jeans when my phone vibrated. I reached for it on my bed and read the message from Mr. Anderson,"hey Jamie,please report to fisher c restaurant down the block at exactly 7. Look for an old man wearing a suit"

That's weird? I thought I was supposed to report to our usual place?

"Jamie!" My senses were awakened when my dad called me from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back as I quickly put on my usual leather jacket. 

When I got downstairs,my dad was already preparing our breakfast,"I cooked your favorite" yes,eggs and bacons are my favorite kind of breakfast. He said that with such delight when he was placing the last set of bacon to my empty plate. I cheerfully smiled and hugged him from the back and sat straight to the empty seat beside his. 

"Thanks dad!" I replied as he sat near me. 

"Sweetie,I wanna talk to you about something," he added while he was slicing a piece of bread. "Sure,what is it?" I asked "It's about your job. Are you sure about this? You know,I could always find a job so that you wouldn't have a hard time working," he reached for a glass and continued,"I just don't want to see you get hurt,Jamie. This''s reckless. Your safety's unsure. Yes,it's a very interesting job's dangerous" 

"Dad,don't worry about me. I've been doing this for 2 years now." 

"Jamie,you don't understand. You almost got hit by a truck before. You use guns,you investigate people with bad records. You're young. And I can't afford to lose you when I've already lost your mom" my dad's voice suddenly turned louder this time,but not because he was mad,but because he was reminding me of what happened before. 

"Trust me dad,I won't get hurt. I promise. You won't lose me." I held his hand and kissed him on the cheek,"I gotta go. I must report at 7. Love you!" I waved goodbye and immediately ran out of our apartment. 

I rode my triumph motorbike with my gray helmet as the usual morning air was rapidly caressing my cheeks which also caused my eyes to flicker several times. My black leather jacket was also flaunting into the air because of the speed I am currently driving to. I have been into a minor motorbike accident before. It was when I was driving too fast and didn't notice that I was about to hit a post. That was when a part of my skin on my right leg was scraped,my arm was bruised and I have this scar near my knee. 

Wow,I didn't think I was reminiscing way too deep that I drove pass the restaurant. "Here we go again" I told myself with a heavy sigh as I park my triumph infront of the fancy restaurant. 

When I was removing my helmet,releasing my short brown hair,I noticed how the people who goes to this restaurant dresses. They were wearing these fancy cocktail dresses that makes you remember the 60s. And the men,they wear business suits as they drive along these expensive cars. All of the vehicles parked infront of this place probably costs a million dollars or so. 

They look prestige,they are all properly groomed like dogs who just got out of a pet store. And then there's me,wearing just a shirt,a leather jacket,faded skinny jeans and a pair of my combat boots. 

This probably is the first time of my life where I actually felt insecure. 

As I walked inside the restaurant,a classical music started to play. My ears were filled with fancy older people's laughter and the tapping of the spoon and fork on each one's plate.

Oh and yes,I was definitely gaining puzzled looks from everyone.

"Look for an old man wearing a suit"

Mr. Anderson's words flashed back in my mind. Everyone's wearing a suit!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! How am I supposed to find this man!

"Uh," was all I muttered as I was roaming around each one's table,looking for Mr. Cliff Harrison,whom I'm not familiar with,and I've never heard before. Come on,where are you? 

After a few embarrassing seconds of finding this old man I've never seen before,a lady wearing a button up shirt and a tight skirt came up to me,"Hi,are you Jamie Morris?" she smiled with her full lips with a tint of red as she spoke with her cowgirl accent. 

"Yes,ma'am" I said,smiling back but with a puzzled look on my face. 

"Please follow me" she replied as she turned around and started walking with this pair of high heeled shoes. Did I mention that I hate the sound it does to the floor? Yeah,now you know. 

As we were walking,I noticed that she's Mr. Cliff's secretary. I know all about secretary's. The way she walks,she talks and the way her butt moves from left to right as she steps on the perfectly polished floor. 

"Mr. Harrison,she has arrived" she whispered to the man infront of me,he was not facing me since I am currently seeing his back. He's wearing this black suit that really has an expensive texture. 

His hair isn't gray,so I'm thinking that he's on his 50s or 40s. 

His secretary signaled me to come over to her spot and so I did. That was when I saw Mr. Cliff Harrison. Even if he's old,he's still good looking. No sign of ageing at all,but you can tell that he's already old enough because of his body figure. 

"Nice to meet you,sir" I offered a handshake which he took. He smiled and told me to have a seat. Why am I nervous though. "Thank you for coming today. I've heard a lot of things about you" he initiated. Since he talked a lot this time,I noticed that he has this brazilian accent. He is foreign,wow.

"Listen,the reason why I wanna hire you for this job is because everybody said you are a very slick investigator," everybody? you mean a lot of people have heard about me? wow,talk about being famous. 

"and since you have the same age as my son,I want you to investigate him" he then placed 4 large portraits of his son on our table. I took it and saw how hot his son is. Oh gee,I would definitely be focused on the investigation *sarcasm*

"I'm not very close to my son since I've been busy doing my business,everytime he comes home,he has these bruises,one night,I saw him washing off the blood on his face. And whenever I ask him about it,he would just shrug off the topic" he answered. WATCH OUT,WE GOT A BADASS OVER HERE! 

"So,let me get this straight,you want me to investigate your super hot BUT monster-like son?" I replied, still focusing on the picture in my hand. Oh wow,he has abs. Is he a model or something?

"Yes? I guess?" Mr. Cliff answered. And then I heard giggles from his secretary. 

I can't take this job. I can't just go snoop around on some hot mess teenage boy. He would think I'm some kind of a stalker. And still,I have a very bad feeling about this. I mean,what if this boy turns out to me a murderer? Like,wtf. I don't wanna die?!

"I..I'm sorry sir,I..I can't" I stuttered,returning the portraits to his side of the table. 

"Why not?" he asked with much confusion,losing hope in the sound of his tone. 

"I just...I have a bad feeling about this case" I said. 

"Ms. Jamie Morris,I'd like you to think that this is some kind of a game," he leaned closer to the table,making his elbows catch his upper weight. 

A game?

"This is a game where,if you..will win,you'll get a million dollars" he continued. 

"A million dollars?! Holy sh- wait,I can't take that. That's waaay higher than what my boss pays me." 

"Scratch that. Think about this. If you'll get the conclusion about my son,you'll receive your million dollars."

"So,this is some kind of a million dollar game?" I scratched my head.

"Yes! Are you in?" 


"Come on Jamie!" Mr. Harrison intertwined his fingers,trying the begging gesture.

"I'm in" those words suddenly slipped out of my mouth which made Mr. Harrison smile and seal the deal. Ugh,what have I gotten myself into? 

I,Jamie Morris,will spy on a bad boy. Great.



Hey guys! This is the second chapter,pls bear with me. On the 3rd one,Jamie and Seth will finally meet. Just hold on. Please vote and comment! Love you guys. 


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