Chapter 9

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"How and why are you calling me?!" I yelled through the phone which is probably covered with my spit by now. And how the hell did he get my phone number?! I didn't give it to anyone in particular and besides,he even told me we could only talk when it has something to do with the project,so why is he calling me?!

Oh wait.

I gave my phone number to the school's main office for my student profile.


"Student profile" he simply answered and I swear I could feel him working on that arrogant smile again. That figures. Seth has many sources at school,of course he would. He's Seth! He makes everyone twirl under his little radar. He controls everybody with a little bit of his "charm" & attitude. I mean,I saw the way these people look at him. They don't worship him but they sure are afraid of him. Maybe afraid of what he can do. Or because of his reputation and whatnot.

"What do you want?!" 

"Did you send it?" his groggy voice rang up again. Why does he sound like that?

"Yes I did. Thanks a lot for your help. What the heck is wrong with your voice?" I tried to sound more sarcastic than I would like to be to make him realize how much he helped nothing on sending the ideas to Ms. Gwen. 

I also had to ask what's wrong with his voice because it won't stop. 

"I yelled a lot today and also drank a lot of cold beverages. You're really interested in me huh" he chuckled.

If it's possible to roll my eyes in a 360 degree manner,I would have by now! Here's another egotistical and arrogant remark from the famous Seth Harrison. Is this how he gets his girls? If it is,then I'm surprised as to why the girls have fallen for it.

"Woah now. I'm interested? Yeah cause I'm the one who stalked you on the school's website just to find your phone number,right?" the hint of sarcasm in my voice never left.

He didn't answer for a second,maybe he ran out of mindless and stupid things to say. "Don't feel too special Willton,I just called to ask about the project" he sounded more collected this time and more serious too. And special? Oh believe me I'm 9999999999 feet away from feeling special.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, IT'S WILLSON!" I yelled again.

"Yeah,yeah whatever. Come to school tomorrow at 6:30" he said. 

That early in the morning?! Why would he want me to go to school that early? Unless he's planning on killing me because goodluck with that.

"What? Why?" 

"Just do it. Bye" he ended the call before I could even speak again. Should I give him a ticket to a workshop called, "FIX YOUR ATTITUDE" workshop? Because this guy really pushes his way under my skin! He's like that annoying sound that clocks do whenever its hands move every freaking second. He really needs some serious help for his manners. 


I guess I should get some sleep then. The monster wants me to meet him at 6:30? Then let's feed the monster what it wants. 6:30 at school it is! 


I woke up to my alarm almost banging its way to my head. The sound makes me want to kill myself already. But without a choice,I rolled to the other side of my bed and turned my alarm off. I gave my eyes a little gap to peep through and search around the place. The view from the huge glass window infront of my bed was still a little dark and some city lights were the only ones that are lighting up the whole area. 

What time is it anyway?

I looked at my phone again and it's 4:45 AM.

Oh yeah,I almost forgot. I set my alarm so I could prepare early and meet with Seth at school 30 minutes before our first class with Ms. Gwen.

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