|| Rules ||

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1. No smut
Look, people this is my first roleplay and this may not be perfect so I'm gonna start with this basic rule --- NO EFFING SMUT! There are younger users on wattpad such as myself and many of my friends so please take that disgusting work of fire and earth to the pm!

2. Wait for me to accept the form before role-playing
This is a constant pet peeve for me to have people role-playing without permission! It's just aarrrggghhh!!!!

3. Be descriptive
I effin' swear, this is another issue! I don't wanna see any'a this!

❌ -  Vanessa sighed

Or any of this shit!

❌ - Vanessa: *sighs*


❌ - 'o hai van Hru doin¿'   '

Okay, sorry for ranting but seriously WHO DOES THAT?!?! Now THIS is correct.

✔️ - Vanessa sighed with annoyance. Her annoying roommate is here.
'Dammit!' she thought to herself.

At least three sentences. I check the rp every week bit by bit MANUALLY because I don't want to be spammed. So follow the rules or SO HELP ME!!!

Password No. 1: Random Country

4. Cussing is allowed
However if you prefer no cussing in your thread please pout it out before we have a thread full of unwanted eff's and b's.

5. Romance is your own choice
But I'm being serious, this is a school training assassins, spies, thieves, stuff like that and we end graduation with the grand tournament. So who would want to fall in love on the battlefield?! Though I'd like to see how that would turn out...

6. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus
Remember, people, no one likes overpowered people as tempting as it is. And all of you SHALL BE BORING HOOMANS!!! So I don't want any of the 'B-But I'm half angel' shit. Cut --- the --- crap. And no random powers for any reason! The schools gonna end up taking it for themselves anyway.

Password No. 2: Tag at least ONE ACTIVE roleplayer

7. Be as gorey as you want
The school was meant to be gory in the first place! Go ahead peeps! Wreak havoc!

8. No killing people off whenever you want
Consider the circumstances, be open-minded! Maybe you could strike a deal with this person! Remember, there are no rules other than 'no escaping!'

9. No bullying
Your OC may taunt another person's OC, maybe even torture! But I will not tolerate bullying outside of the roleplay!

Password No. 3: SA or AS?

10. Don't put up a form only to not roleplay later
This is the most annoying thing ever!!! I'm just gonna delete it but still!!! Don't sign up if you're not gonna contribute!

11. For every girl OC you see, there better be a boy
It's a bit useless to have everyone to be a girl and it's also offensive to me, being a dude...

12. OC Limit
2 OCs only! And if you want two, then once boy and one girl! They can be related or not, your choice

13. No effing royalty
Please just... Nu

14. Follow the Form accordingly
If you miss anything or add something, I'm just going to tell you to 'Read the Rules'

15. No one is considered 'Hot'
I don't wanna see ten people with purple hair please! Or any eyes that say 'icy azure' or purple! Seriously! This ain't Fantasy! And also please add some effing melanin to your OCs. It's annoying to see this

Password No. 4: Nougat

16. Age Limit
I don't want any immortals either. And having one person win who is three years old is stupid... 15-20 only please...

17. The Bad Guys
No one here is fighting for Good! You are all taught to be 'criminals'!!! Stop it!!!

Password No. 5: Random Date (That's not today)

18. We need fifteen people to fill in their roles or we can't start the rp
Self-Explanatory. And if you aren't gonna be active without telling me, I'm gonna dismiss you from the rp.

Also self-exploratory and seriously, if the roles is pending then move on! No moping!

20. Deletion
Not following the rules will result in the punishment!

Strike One - Warning
Strike Two - Deletion of Comment
Strike Three - Banishment from RP

21. No killing in Prep Day or Overpowered Means
This is annoying as hell and self explanatory.


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