Chapter 4

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Me: I have a lot of pictures of Kai on my phone...anyway, let's continue the last chapter.

My Pov:

The tension in the air is so thick that someone could almost cut it with a knife. Jungwoo looks at their father and stutters, "F-f-father w-what a-are y-you d-doing h-h-here?"

Their father just smirks and says, "I live here."

Jongin makes a face and looks at the floor. When Jongin does this, he fails to notice their father moving closer to a frozen Jungwoo.

Jongin's Pov:

He lives here? Oh wow. He just comes here when he gets into trouble with rogue werewolves and brings his problems here....wait a second...

I look up and was going to ask our father something when I notice how he is slowly walking towards Jungwoo. I say, "Hey! Can stop being a creepy old pervert for one second and answer y question?"

Our father stops walking towards Jungwoo and looks at me. He starts, "I am busy...."

"Yeah I don't care. Why are you even here?" I ask cutting him off.

He moves away from Jungwoo and says, "I can't...."

I cut him off again knowing what he is going to say, "No, you can't visit us. We don't want to see you period. No and if nor buts...."

He sighs and I say, "Well since you have no reason to be here. You can just leave."

I walk to the door and Jungwoo moves aside. Jungwoo just stands behind me and I open the door. I point out of the door. Our father glares at me and asks, "Can I at least..."

I say, "Find some other omega to fuck. You aren't touching Jungwoo that way again, so keep that memory in your mind because that is the last time you will touch him like that."

Our father asks, "What if I..."

I cut him off by saying, "Touch him again and you won't live to see the next day, so get out."

Our father scoffs and says, "I would like to see you try."

Our father just walks out and mutters, "I am glad they are burning down this house tonight."

I close the door and look at Jungwoo. I say, "Pack the important things."

Jungwoo stands still looking at the spot where our father was without blinking. I wave my hand in his face and say, "Jungwoo?"

Jungwoo blinks and says, "Yes yes of course."

Jungwoo starts uses his power to start lifting things of the ground. He walks away with them following him, since he is pulling them to follow him using his hand.

I hum and head to the kitchen.

Sehun's Pov:

I smirk and turn around. I am currently in my werewolf form. I look at the werewolf with dark blonde fur and sit down. 

I would turn back into my other form, but that would make it obvious. 

I nod at Yukhei then run away from him. I send a small tornado in his direction to make sure he doesn't follow me because that will be a major problem if he did.

I am coming to see you brother. It seems coming in and out of this pack's territory will be easier than our last one.

I look back and makes sure that no one is following me. After I am sure, I keep going. 

Yukhei's Pov:

Dammit I lost him....

I whine and pout.

I should really get better at stalking someone...wait why am I stalking him again? Oh yeah I want to know all of his secrets~ Funny this is the same thing that happened when I first meet Jungwoo and Jongin. I wanted to know more about them other than what I heard. Now look at me....I am with my mate and friends with his brother. That is all that matters to me and I shall find out more about Sehun. 

I turn around and head back home. I notice a lot of werewolves hanging hear the shop where they can get things to burn down something.

Oh dear.

I run back to the house still in my werewolf form.

It is a good thing that I am in my werewolf form because I am much faster in this form.

Jongin's Pov:

I teleport outside the house and look to see if I see Yukhei. Jungwoo follows me with our things and asks, "When Yukhei gets here, can you go see if Yukhei's old house is still..."

I nod and soon we see Yukhei running towards the house. I teleport to the place Jungwoo wants me to then look around it.

Yukhei's old house isn't close to where werewolves live, but these werewolves will try to track us down using our scents. So it won't take long before they find out we are living here. I teleport back and say, "There is no one around there, but they will eventually find out we are living there. It isn't in the part surround by trees and other werewolves unlike our cave which actually masks our scents."

Jungwoo says, "As long as we can stay there it is fine."

I teleport myself, Jungwoo, and Yukhei to the house. I help Jungwoo put the things he gather up. Yukhei transforms back and heads to his room to put on some clothes. 

He is something else...

After I finish helping Jungoo, I teleport to sit in a tree near our house. I make sure no one can see me in the tree and just wait.

After an hour goes by, the other pack members come to the house with torches. I just watch they burn the house down and try to hold back my laughter. The house burns until some werewolves put out the fire. After they are finished, the only thing left of the house is ashes. 

I hum and teleport back Yukhei's old house. I walk to the room that I am staying in and sigh.

Me: Okay that is all for this week's update. By the way as you can probably tell, when werewolves transform back from their werewolf form, they are naked. The only werewolf that will still have on his clothes is Jongin. 

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