Chapter 9

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Me: Enjoy the Chapter. 

~Le Time Skip A Week Brought To You By AOA having a comeback this week. It has been awhile, since they had a comeback and this will be their first comeback as a six member group. I was going to make the words in this uppercase, but I changed my mind after writing AOA and I don't feel like going back to fix it will stay that way. Anyway, stan AOA!~

9 is my favorite number....

Sehun's Pov:

I wonder what happened to Jongin. I haven't seen him in a week. Taeyong smiles and says, "So you do care about him~"

I scoff and say, "Of course, I do. I have to. We are mates."

Taeyong sighs and says, "But being mates and loving your mate are two different things. You don't have to love him. You could have been like that deadbeat werewolf. He never liked his mate."

Well he got me there. Having a mate and loving them are different things. Just because you are mates with someone doesn't mean you will love them. It just means that you are supposed to get up with them.

I sigh and Taeyong asks, "Do you love him?"

I scoff and say, "No I don't."

Taeyong shakes his head and says, "Why am I asking you that? You wouldn't know if you were in love with someone unless they help you when you can't help yourself. Oh have you seen the way that..."

I get up and walk away. I hear Taeyong say, "I don't like how that werewolf looks at you. Be careful, brother. I don't want to lose you. Oh and Yuta is coming here today. I think I am going to introduce him to Jungwoo and Yukhei."

I stop walking then look at him confusedly. I ask, "Who is Yukhei?"

Taeyong sighs and mutters, "Fuck."

Taeyong says, "It is Lucas' real name. He told me I could call him that yesterday, but he didn't want me to tell you because he would rather get to know you first then tell you his real name. Actually no one in town knows his real name expect family, Jongin, and Jungwoo."

I sigh and walk away without responding. I head outside and look around. I feel someone staring at me, but I ignore it.

Taeyong's Pov:

Sometimes, I really worry about Sehun. He is noticed certain things, but he tends to ignore them until it is too late. It is bad enough that we can't ymuse our powers in this town in fear of being discovered. I would blame himself if something bad happened and I could have prevented it. I know he would react the same, but recently, I noticed that Sehun has being acting weird and more distant than before.

I wonder if he saw him...

I gasp and look at the door Sehun just walked out of.

He acted the same when he saw him. 

I get up and head to the door. I put my hand on the doorknob.

If he wanted to talk to me about it, he wouldn't have left. Plus....I think that person I was talking about earlier is watching outside. 

I let go of the doorknob then walk away from the door.

Jongin's Pov:

I walk outside of my room then smile. I stretch and say, "Finally, I don't have to stay in my room and can roam around this house at daytime and nighttime and not only nighttime."

Jungwoo gives me a look that he always gives when he is judging someone and I say, "Don't judge me." 

Yukhei starts laughing and I says, "Don't laugh at me."

I notice that they are dressed to go outside and ask, "Where are you two going today?"

Jungwoo smiles and says, "To meet Taeyong and his mate."

I raise my eyebrow and Yukhei says, "You have to come with us. Taeyong and Jungwoo are best friends. I am not even sure if I will get along with Taeyong's mate, but I don't want to third wheel anymore."

I scoff then ask, "So you are making me fifth wheel?"

Yukhei nods and says, "Please~"

I roll my eyes and says, "Fine let's go, but don't expect me to try and become friends with either Taeyong and Taeyong's mate."

Yukhei says, "I don't expect you to."

Jungwoo says, "Okay then let's eat breakfast then go."

After we eat breakfast, Yukhei, Jungwoo, and I head to wherever we are supposed to meet Taeyong and his mate.

Yuta's Pov:

When I get into the town, I start sniffing for Taeyong's scent and follow it wherever it leads me. I ignore the people trying to socialize with me because unlike Sehun, I have no plans on being this town people's friend. If I find out that this town has people that they shun, I am going to being their friend because I was once like them not that I will tell them that. 

When I see Taeyong, I whistle twice causing him to turn around and smile. I just walk up to him and say, "Hello stranger~ I think you took something very important from me."

Taeyong sighs and says, "Yuta..."

I smile and continue anyway, "My heart. You stole my heart from me~"

I hear someone say, "Oh my god!"

I look at them and say, "That was what I told him when I first meet him."

Someone else says, "That sounds like a story to tell your grandkids."

I pout and say, "But we would need kids before that. Meh I could tell our kids that. When are we going to have kids, TY? You aren't getting any younger."

Taeyong sighs again and says, "The tall blonde is Yukhei. The tall blue haired guy who is Jungwoo. The tall guy with brown hair is Jongin."

I whine and say, "TY~ don't ignore my question!"

Taeyong looks at me and says, "We can talk about that later."

I sigh and pout even more. Jungwoo asks, "So why did you guys leave your town?"

Taeyong says, "Sehun."

Taeyong and Jungwoo start talking about something. I stop pouting and turn serious. I look at Jongin and ask, "Are you three the ones that are shunned in this town?"

Yukhei's Pov:

Yuta's question throws me off guard and Jongin says, "Yes. Why?"

Yuta smiles and says, "Just wondering because Taeyong never really wants friends with people unless they are like us."

Why is that supposed to mean? These people are always making me ask questions, but I can never get any answers. I am getting  a damn headache.

Me: Poor Yukhei. Then again he will be fine. Yuta has been introduced and well things will start revealing soon. I think I am going to make this 20 chapters plus a epilogue. 

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